Chapter 56

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"Jimin wake up. Jesus you sleep like you're dead" Jungkook said feeling frustrated now. He had been waking Jimin up for at least 10 minutes but the smaller was not budging at all.

"PARK JIMIN" Jungkook finally yelled. You'd think Jimin would be startled and wake up quickly but instead, he moved slowly brushing his eyes. Jungkook was a bit mad now but Jimins's morning confusion always makes him melt.

"Jungkook? Why are you waking me up?" Jimin asked yawning as he faced the other direction to sleep properly.

"Wake up and take a bath. Remember I told you we're going somewhere?" Jungkook asked.

"Hmmm five more minutes" Jimin said in a sleepy voice. He was tired from all the gaming he did last night, he wished to only wake up the next day.

"Jimin...we should have left already but you didn't wanna wake up." Jungkook said removing the cover of Jimins petite body leaving Jimins's body exposed. He was only wearing underwear.

"Okay we'll go at 10 am then. I'm tired" Jimin yawned.

" It's 1 pm" Jungkook stated blankly.

"What?" Jimin asked confused. He literally just went to sleep how can it be 1pm already?

"I told you to sleep and not play games. We should have left at 9am. Get your fat ass up and go to the bathroom. I'm giving you 30 minutes to get ready. Only 30 minutes, use it wisely." Jungkook said pulling Jimin off the bed and pushing him towards the bathroom.

"Sorry for keeping you babe" Jimin said looking at Jungkook with puppy eyes.

"You don't have to apologize. Just bath and we'll leave. I love you" Jungkook said kissing the top of Jimins's hair.

"I love you too" Jimin said getting in the bathroom.

Jungkook went back to the room and fixed the bed since it was messy. The hotel staff was probably gonna fix it again but Jungkook had to try just so the room wouldn't look too messy. After fixing the bed he stood by the window with hands on his pocket playing with something there. He sighed thinking about Jimin who his heart loves so much. Areum-Byeol, the gift Jimin carried 9 months for him. They were his happiness and he wasn't gonna lose them no matter what.

After some time jimin came out from the bathroom. He applied lotion and put on his black pants. Black long sleeve t-shirt and black leather Jacket with a black hat.

"I'm not dead yet. Why do you look like you're mourning?" Jungkook teased his small Boyfriend.

"Jungkook stop it. Let's go." Jimin said.

And just like that they were off.

. They did a lot of things outdoors. They looked around in the stores, bought some street food there and even went in the food place and ordered bowls of delicious food.

As large as the bowl was, the both of them finished their food with stomachs full. They tipped the waiter and went out.

"Now we got one more stop to make" jungkook said.

"Where is that?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Get in the car, you'll see." Jungkook said pulling Jimin to get in the car. The cab driver drove them to their destination and to say Jimin was shocked was an understatement. He was shocked but exited too.

"DISNEY...DIS...OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK!"  The smaller shouted jumping onto Jungkook who held him like he wasn't heavy at all. He was used to Jimin just jumping on him and to be honest he liked it a little bit too much.

"You've always wanted to come here so I thought why not. Let's go" Jungkook said putting Jimin down as they then started walking while Jungkook was filming the whole thing.

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