Chapter 14

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It was now the weekend. Jungkook was sitting on his couch with his eyes closed. He was smiling and sometimes biting his lips. He can still feel his lips sucking on those plump ones, he can still smell that strawberry scent mixed with nice smelling cologne. It's like his hands are still holding on to that slim curved waist. Like he can see his eye smile and hear his giggles.

All that was running through his mid was Jimin. He wanted Jimin, he needed Jimin. Gosh can the weekend be over already so that he can see his....what is Jimin to him anyway?

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME??!!!" Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts by Hwasa's high pitched voice shouting at him.

"Yes I'm listening to you" he said uninterested.

"Oh really? What did I just say?" Hwasa asked folding her arms across her chest waiting for an answer.

" said you're going out with your friends again tonight?" Jungkook said taking his chances.

"My God Jungkook!!. I never said anything about my friends. What is on your mind? You've been sitting there lost in your thoughts for an hour now." Hwasa said.

"Ugh it's nothing, I'm just thinking about work. I'm under pressure Hwasa. Actually I think it would be best if you only see me on weekends. I tend to be too busy on weekdays and it exhausts me." Jungkook said. Of course he was not liking Hwasa's presence around him ever since he met the small cute fluffy boy.

"Jungkook? Are you basically asking me to give you space?" Hwasa asked not believing her ears.

"Well I didn't put it in that way Hwasa. I'm just saying that I'd love a bit of space to be able to work peacefully"

"Peace my ass!!. Jungkook I was thinking about moving in here for god's sake!!" Hwasa half shouted at Kooks who looked rather surprised.

"Moving in? Who said anything about moving in? I think me, Jungkook as the owner of this house...I'm supposed to ask you and say...Babe? Can you please move in with me? Then you say yes baby I'd be don't just decided to move in by yourself Hwasa." Jungkook half shouted as he was angry and frustrated by Hwasa. Maybe everything Hwasa did frustrated him now.

" know what? I'll be back later right now I need to go and cool down" Hwasa said taking her bag and only the sound of her heels was heard as she left the house.

Jungkook sighed. He laid on the couch thinking about what has now became his only source of happiness...but he couldn't help but feel like something is gonna upset him today.


Jimin had just arrived at his family house. He was hugging his brother Jihyun who had opened the door for him.

"I missed you so much bro, since you weren't here Mom and Dad were treating me like a baby" Jihyun said.

"But ji-hyun you are a baby. I'm older remember?" Jimin said rolling his eyes at his younger brother.

" But you look like a baby, not me" ji-hyun said trying to reason with Jimin who just laughed at him as they went inside. When they got in the living room Jimins's parents were there. They stood up and hugged their son welcoming him. After hugs they sat down.

"Eomma, are you doing?" Jimin asked his parents with a smile on his face.

"We are fine Chimmy, we just missed you so much" Jimins's mother said giving his son an eye smile. Yeah Jimin definitely took after his momma.

"I missed you too Mom, but I'm fine also. Just got a new job at Jeon Corporate. Everything is going good." Jimin said with a smile on his face.

"So any potential husband hmm Chim Chim?" Jimins's mother asked. Of course they knew Jimin was gay. They realized it way before he confessed to them.

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