Chapter 6

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A week later

It was the weekend and Jimin had no shifts today, he doesn't work Saturdays and Sundays. That was the agreement in the contract he signed with Jin. There's a lot he could do right? No there's not, oh there's Tae. He should go and see his soulmate today. Jimin took a shower and searched for something to wear on his wardrobe. He ended up choosing to go all denim.

This is how he looked( without the bag)

He kinda hoped that people will stop calling him the fluffy boy for just a day. Yes he's gay but not for everyone right. And he's still a man, so people can't be calling him pretty. He looked at himself in the mirror and pouted.

" Hmm yeah I am a very pretty man" he said boosting his confidence. He took his phone and rushed out greeting Sungwoon on the way. He waited for a cab outside the gate. When the cab cab he got in and went to Tae's apartment. It was only 30 minutes away. He could have just jogged there but he was tired that's why he called a cab.

Upon arriving at Tae's apartment he went out of the car. He got to the apartment door and knocked.

" Who is it?" Tae asked from the other side and Jimin just giggled and continued knocking without saying anything. 

" Yah who are you?" Tae asked again but Jimin kept on knocking.

" FUCK I'M COMING!!" Tae shouted from the other side of the door. After a few seconds the door opened and Jimin was surprised because TaeTae was topless. He only had a white towel wrapped on his lower body. His hair was wet and droplets of water were falling on his face and chest.

" Chim? Why didn't you Just come in? I was in the shower for god's sake" Tae said pulling his friend inside the house and hugging him as wet as he was. He didn't care that Jimin might be wet too.

" Aish Taehyungie you're making me wet" Jimin said pushing Tae gently off of him.

" Well it's easier to fuck when it's wet soooo..." Tae said wiggling his eyebrows and teasing Jimin.

" Yah Taehyung-ssi stop being a pervert. Go finish up showering and I'll watch TV in the meantime."

Woof woof...woof woof

Jimin smiled looking behind Tae, he pushed Tae out of the way and rushed to sit down and brush Yoentan's thick cuddly fur.

"Hey big boy. Looking cute as always aren't you Tannie? How was your doctor's appointment the other day huh? Wanted uncle Chim to go with you instead of Daddy? Wow you're such a big boy Tannie" Jimin kept playing with Yoentan. Taehyung just smiled fondly. He knew Jimin wouldn't focus on him now that Tannie was here. He walked to Jimin and kissed his hair which smelled like strawberry because of his hair conditioner.

He left Jimin playing with his dog and went to shower. Nothing made Tae happy like having his friend close to him. He loved Jimin dearly as his best friend and soul mate. They'd been friends since high school. Jimin helped Tae discover his sexuality. Well indirectly that it... because Tae had a crush on Jimin, that's how he knew that he was gay and into guys. He loved Jimin romantically but after seeing that Jimin is offering him the best friendship ever, he decided that it's best if he tried to forget that he loves him. But it just wasn't happening, sometimes he'd sit and wonder how much of a cute couple they'd be if he ever confessed.

Tae snapped out of his thoughts and finished his hygiene process. He went to his room and put on creamy pants and brownish black jersey. He Went back to the living room still finding Jimin and Yoentan playing. Jimin looked so happy and cheerful seemingly forgetting that he came here to visit Tae.

Taehyung pouted looking at his friend who wasn't paying no attention towards him.

Taehyung pouted looking at his friend who wasn't paying no attention towards him

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Jimin noticed a sad looking Tae.

" TaeTae? Are you okay? You look sad" Jimin said looking very concerned.

" Oh so now you can see that I'm still alive?" Tae asked sarcastically. Jimin giggled rolling on the floor and Yoentan copied him. Tae laughed at the sight.

" Oh Tae, don't tell me you're jealous of little Tannie. He's my puppy dog as much as he's yours. And I hadn't seen him in two weeks. So stop sulking" Jimin explained going to pay Tae's shoulders to calm his anger.

" Yeah whatever...wanna get out of here? Maybe we can go grab fish cakes in the market?" Tae asked and Jimin nodded cheerfully.

He was about to say something when his phone rang. It was a number he didn't recognize but Jimin answered anyway.

"Hello? Is this Jimin speaking?" The voice asked.

"Yes it's Jimin. Who are you?" Jimin asked.

"Oh its me Hobi. I was just wondering if you'd like to chill today with me and Yoongi. Maybe Kooks might join us but I don't know. Are you up for it?" Hobi asked.

"Ahh actually Hobi hyung, today I'm visiting my friend, I don't want him to think I'm abandoning him" Jimin said.

"You can come with him. The more the merrier right? Please  Mochi please come and have fun with us".

"Well I think I need to ask my friend if he wants to. If he doesn't then I can't come too, hold on a sec" Jimin put his hand on the speaker to cover it.

"Remember Hobi and Yoongi that I told him about? They want to hang out with us. If you don't want to you can say no." Jimin said to Tae who just smiled.

"No it's fine, tell him we'll come. I wanna see them anyway maybe I'll meet my soulmate there." Tae joked.

"Yah Taehyung-ssi, I'm your only soulmate. No one else" Jimin said and then he removed his hands from the speaker.

"Hobi hyung, we'll both come. Text me the address after this call" Jimin said confirming to Hobi.

"Thank you so much Mochi. I'll text you the address. We'll be hanging at my house anyway." Hobi said

"Okay...wait Hobi hyung? Who Is Kooks? " Jimin asked.

" That assy jerk Jeon." Jimin smiled feeling his stomach fill with butterflies. It's not the first time it happens. Even the time he went to deliver at their company. Seeing Jeon made him have butterflies. Maybe it's because of the way Jeon was looking at him. Jimin could feel Jeons eyes digging holes through his back and ass. Even his face.which made him get a tingly feeling he's never really got.

" So...his name is Jeon?" Jimin asked curiously.

"He is Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. Look I have to go Jimin, I'll send the address right now" Hobi said bye then hung up Sending the address right away.

Jeon Jungkook?.....hmm well he's handsome that anybody can see. He's intimidating though because Jimin never really looked at his eyes without feeling intimidated.

Jeon Jungkook....hmmm this is going to be fun.

"Are you planning to cheat on me Jimin?" Tae asked with a serious look on his face. Jimin just giggled at his friend's possessiveness.

"Aish Tae, let's just go." Jimin said and started placing food and water for Tannie on his bowls. So that he can eat and drink whenever he is hungry and thirsty.

Another update
Borahae 💜

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