Chapter 7

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Truth or Dare

3rd person POV

Jungkook was sitting on the couch in Hosoek's house, on top of Jungkook was Hwasa wearing a very short and skimpy dress. She looked really beautiful though, Jungkook didn't mind Hwasa wearing short dresses even if they were around people. It didn't affect him in any way. Yoongi was laying down on the couch with his eyes closed, he is a sleepy cat. Hobi on the other side was just pissed that Hwasa came along. It should've been  boy's hanging out time and she chose to ruin it.

There was a knock on the door and Hobi rushed to get it. He opened and his eyes landed on Jimin and another tall guy who was holding Jimins's hand in his.

"Mochi hello, get in and introduce me" Hobi said to Jimin who smiled getting inside.

"Hobi hyung, this is Kim Taehyung. My best friend. TaeTae, this is Jung Hosoek." Jimin said introducing the two boys. They shook hands both having warm smiles.

"Nice to meet you Hosoek, am I allowed to call you Hobi Hyung just like Jimin?" Tae asked Hobi.

"Of course. I guess I'll call you Tae also. Come let's go to the living room, others are already there." They nodded as Hobi lead them to the living room. Jungkook's eyes darted to Hobi coming in with two boys. But his eyes were stuck on Jimin. No on told him Jimin would be here, wait is that Jimins's boyfriend? Jimin was looking rather handsome with his all denim look. Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts as he felt Hwasa shifting on his lap uncomfortably, Jimins's eyes were on Hwasa and never leaving her. Which made Hwasa uncomfortable, well they both know what made Hwasa scared.

" Tae, that's Jungkook and his girlfriend Hwasa, that sleepy head over there is Yoongi. Guys this Is Taehyung, Jimins's best friend". Jungkook released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Great. That's not Jimins's boyfriend, but why is he holding his hand like that? Why am I glad that's not Jimins's boyfriend? Those are all questions that Jungkook was asking himself.

"Hwasa get off Jungkook's lap and have some respect for our guests. You weren't supposed to be here anyway" Yoongi said.

"Damn he's savage" Tae said whispering to Jimin, but still everyone heard it and laughed, except Hwasa who was angry and embarrassed. She slowly got off Jungkook's lap and looked towards Jimin who was glaring at her. Jimin just couldn't believe that the girl who was rude to him, and dating Eric his boss, was also here said to be Jungkook's Girlfriend. Jimin actually felt bad for Jungkook.

"Taehyung-ah, please help me get the drinks from the fridge then we'll start playing some games" Hobi said. They went towards the kitchen and Jimin sat down next to Yoongi who immediately laid on the couch and rested his head on Jimins's thighs. Jungkook bit his lip and poked his inner cheek with his tongue.

" Yoongi Hyung? Are you sleepy?" Jimin asked cutely

"I'm always sleepy Minnie, you'll get used to it" Yoongi answered laughing a bit,even Jimin joined him. Jungkook was getting a bit jealous of how easily they got along while Jimin hardly looked at him.

But its fine, he's straight anyway so he doesn't need Jimins's attention. But just a greeting would have worked just fine.

Hobi and Tae came back from the kitchen with some wine, beer and juice. They placed the drinks on the table.

" Since this gathering is as good as ruined anyway...maybe I can go get the sisters that live nextdoor to come and join us. Hwasa can't be the only rose amongst thorns." Hobi Said to the guys.

"Jiminie is also a rose" Yoongi said making Tae and Hobi laugh. Jimin just pouted glaring at his hyung who was more than comfortable on his thighs.

" It's fine Hobi hyung, go get the girls. At least Hwasa will have someone to talk to" Jungkook agreed with Hobi.

" Alright gimme a minute" Hobi dashed out of the door.

Taehyung took a seat next to Jungkook who wasn't even looking at him, his eyes were focused on Jimin making small talk and laughing with Yoongi.

"You have a girlfriend." Tae whispered in Jungkook's ear making him snap out of trance, Jungkook just looked at Tae without saying anything. What was he to say anyway? They sat in silence and Hobi came in with two beautiful girls on his side.

" Boys and girl. This is Jennie and Rose. Girls, That is Hwasa, next to her is Jungkook. Jungkook is dating Hwasa so don't even think about flirting with him. Then that's Taehyung, then one sleeping there is Yoongi and that Is Jimin." Hobi said introducing everyone.

"Great, now everyone knows everyone. Let's play games" Yoongi said getting up from Jimin.

" I'll go sit next to Jimin" Rose spoke In a cheerful high pitched voice. Jimin just giggled while Jungkook rolled his eyes.

" You're very handsome Jimin" Rose said sitting next to Jimin. Jimin just laughed a manly chuckle.

" And I'm very Gay Rose, so don't get any ideas" Jimin said to Rose who seemed not bothered by that.

"Great then. I'll be your best friend" Rose responded

"He already has a best friend, thank you very much" Tae said rolling his eyes at Roses Words.

"Well then...I'll be his girl best friend" Rose said again holding Jimins's arm and leaning on his shoulder. Hobi poured drinks for everyone and handed them.

Jimin was about to drink the wine when Tae called.

"Jimin!" Jiminie looked at Tae shrugging. Tae just gave a warning look to Jimin who gave him pleading eyes.

"Chim Don't even think about it" Tae said through his greeted teeth. Jimin rolled his eyes placing the wine glass down. He took a glass of juice instead.

"You don't allow him to drink?" Yoongi asked Tae.

" You're not even his boyfriend, why are you controlling him?" Jungkook said bitterly. He was mad at how Jimin immediately obeyed Taehyung like they're dating.

" That is not your problem, So focus on your own shit" Tae answered Jungkook rudely.

"TaeTae stop it. Can we just play games?" He asked.

" Let's play truth or dare!!" Jennie said happily and everyone agreed with her. They sat down in a circle taking the empty wine bottle so that they'll spin in.

"Alright let's start" Jennie spun the bottle and it landed on Hobi.

" Alright Hobi, truth or dare.?" Jennie asked

"Truth" Hobi answering feeling confident.

" How old were you when you lost your virginity?"

" Uhm...14? Yeah I was 14 years old." Hobi answered.

"Damn boy, what was the rush?" Yoongi laughed. Hobi just shrugged and spun the bottle. It landed on Yoongi.

" Yoongs let's go. Truth or dare?" Hobi asked.

"Uhm...a dare" he answered unsure a bit.

" Alright I dare you to play the two following rounds shirtless" Yoongi laughed taking off his T-shirt. He covered his "man-boobs" with his arms, but his body was actually toned and sexy.

"Ahh Hobi I'll get you for this" Yoongi said spinning the bottle and it landed on Taehyung.

" Truth" Taehyung said immediately causing the rest to laugh.

" Who is the most handsome person here? And please don't say Jimin." Taehyung slightly blushed and he looked at Hobi.

"I'll go with Hobi, he's the most attractive to me" Tae answered honestly earning a few "woooohs" from the crew. Tae spun the bottle and it landed on Jungkook.

"Truth or dare Jungkook?"

"Dare" Jungkook answered.

" I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room"

Jungkook's eyes immediately darted to Jimin

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