Chapter 4

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Jungkook was working from home today, well that happens when you're the boss right? You just feel tired and you decide to work from home. He was sitting in the living room, his documents scattered all over the glass table while his laptop was opened as he was typing some things there. His legs were open and he had that dominant daddy thing when you looked at him. He was actually glad that Hwasa was at her home today. At least that would give him time to work without distractions.

" Where the fuck Is that folder?" He asked himself getting irritated. He felt even more irritated as he heard the doorbell ring. 

" It's open" he said loud enough for the person on the other side to hear. The door opened revealing his girlfriend looking beautiful and elegant as ever... but he poked his inner cheek with his tongue soon as his eyes landed on Hwasa's father. Why is he here?

" Oh Babe, Mr Ahn. Uhm excuse the mess I didn't think I'd have visitors. I was trying to get some work done" Mr Ahn just shook his head disapprovingly.

" Jungkook can you go wear a proper shirt please?" Hwasa pleaded with JK as she saw her father's look.

"What's wrong with my shirt?" Jungkook asked, he had on a baggy short sleeved white t-shirt. His tattoos were on full display and he liked that. He takes pride in his tatts.

Hwasa just looked at her Dad and Jungkook sighed.

"Please be seated sir,while I go and wear a proper Shirt" he said sarcastically rolling his eyes. He walked upstairs and soon as he was out of sight Mr Ahn spoke to his daughter who was lost in space.

" Hwasa,I don't like this man. I know what I said but quite frankly I take it back now, stop dating him" Mr Ahn said and Hwasa opened her eyes wide with shock.

" But Appa, you said you needed me to have a relationship with Jungkook because that would benefit your business. Besides, I've fallen in love with him. I can't just break up with him because you don't like his personality and you're judging his preferences." Hwasa said trying to reason with her father.

" Fallen in love with him? I think it's just an attraction Which will disappear soon. You have Eric remember?"

" Eric? Dad Eric is always busy, he never has time for me anymore and still...if he were to find out about Jungkook and I, it would be over between us. Eric tends to focus on that Candy Cafe and not on me" Hwasa said.

" Well today you are going to see him then. At that Candy Cafe, give Jeon space I'm pretty sure he won't even miss you that much" Mr Ahn said to his daughter.

".....Who won't miss who?" Jungkook said galloping down the stairs, he was now in a black long sleeve T-shirt. He sat down on the couch waiting for an explanation.

" I was just telling my daughter here that, You are quite busy today. Maybe she should give you a little bit of space to get some work done. She can come back later, I bet you won't even miss her that much... because you'll be absorbed by your work. Right...son?" Mr Ahn spoke.

" Uhm...well yeah I guess your father is right Hwasa, I'm kind of really busy right now. Can you come back a bit later?" Jungkook asked feeling bad for his girl, while also happy that she won't be here to distract him.

" Oh good. The most important men in my life are ganging up on me" Hwasa said sarcastically. She took her bag and adjusted her small dress bringing it down to her mid thighs, she walked tall with her heels and kissed Jungkook on his cheek.

"Alright I'll see you two later" Hwasa said happily cat walking towards the door.

" Mr Ahn, did you wanna talk to me about something?" Jungkook asked seeing that Hwasa's father wasn't leaving

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