Chapter 48

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A week had passed since Jungkook came back and everything was going alright. He wasn't going to work. He let Hobi and Yoongi handle it since he was still enjoying his time with Jimin. Besides, he had to look after Jimin who was constantly crying and complaining about his back being painful and hot. He just figured that it's because it's his last month in pregnancy.

Jimin had just taken a shower and wore his clothes and Jungkook was in the kitchen making food. Jungkook heard the front door open and with a lot o noise his friends walked in.

"Guys really? Why can't you knock and walk in like normal people?" Jungkook asked shaking his head.

"We're not normal people, we're your friends" Hobi said plopping down on the couch.

" Where's my soulmate?" Tae asked Jungkook referring to Jimin.

"He's waiting for his food upstairs. If y'all are hungry help yourselves I'll be right back" Jungkook said.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" That was Jimin shouting from upstairs in an angry tone.

"Jungkook go he's really gonna kill you" Jin said smiling fondly. With his beautiful plump smile making Namjoon stare at him with loving eyes.

Jungkook walked up to his room an found Jimin on the floor holding his stomach. He panicked and put the food on the bed helping Jimin up think that he fell on his stomach.

"Baby, are you okay? What happened?" Jungkook asked worried while picking up Jimin.

" Jungkook, the baby is Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's so painful" Jimin screamed right after Jungkook laid him to the bed. Jungkook was pacing around the room doing whatever trying not to panic and understand what's going on. Jimins's scream made him understand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck the baby is coming you fucking piece of shit Ohhhhhhhhh my god Jungkook I hate you for this." Jimin screamed loudly catching the attention of the guys downstairs. Jungkook took a bag that was already packed for when Jimin has to go to the hospital and he tried to pick Jimin up.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME JUNGKOOK!! I HATE YOU" Jimin yelled pushing Jungkook's hand as he was trying to carry him. Jimin breathed loudly through his mouth.

"It's fine Jungkook I'll carry him." Namjoon said as they all came in. Tae took the back and Namjoon Carried Jimin and they went to the cars. Jungkook was gonna drive with Tae, Joon and Jimin. They got in the car and sped up while the others followed in Yoongi's car.

"Please get it out. Get be baby out of me. Ahhhh it's so painful" Jimin said with a voice which was low and getting hoarser. Jungkook sped even more than he was before. In just no Time they arrived at the hospital and this time Jungkook carried Jimin without him yelling but rather he held on to Jungkook.

"Kookie I'm Scared. Is my baby gonna be okay?" Jimin asked in a breathy tone. Jungkook looked at him while running in.

"He'll be okay baby. I promise he will. You will too" Jungkook said. They got in the hospital doors and we're given attention the moment they came. Jimin was taken by doctors by wheelchair and Jungkook and the rest of the guys followed.

"Excuse me sir you can't go beyond this door. We're gonna be helping him give birth and you can't be present during that." The doctor said to Jungkook.

"Why the fuck not?" Jungkook asked confused.

"It's not allowed sir. Since he can't give birth the natural way we have to do caesarian on him. Please give us space" The doctor said and Namjoon pulled Jungkook away from the door.

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