Chapter 30

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It was now a week later, Tae was pacing up and down in the living room. He was at Hoseok's place visiting him. He tends to visit and spend the night a lot. He was really worried. He's been looking at Jimin and he feels like he's the only one noticing changes on Jimin and his body. He hasn't even told anyone about it, not even Jimin himself.

"Why are you pacing like that? Is something wrong?" Hobi asked emerging from the kitchen.

"Oh Babe, nothing is wrong...I was just uhm, just thinking" Tae said finally sitting down. His palms and forehead were slightly sweaty, which normally happens if he's worried or scared.

"Tae don't think I haven't been noticing that you're weird since your visit with Jimin. I see it. And honestly it hurts that you don't trust me enough to open up and talk. I'm your man so you should talk to me Tae." Hobi said. He was feeling very defeated because of Tae's behavior the past week.

"Okay, I may have a question to ask you." Tae said. Hobi looked at him and nodded, he was expecting the question. Tae took a loud breath and sighed.

"Can boys get pregnant?" He asked the Question. Hobi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Then he laughed a bit.

"Tae babe we have been using protection." Hobi said.

"Hobi I never said I was pregnant, I'm just wondering, can boys get pregnant?" He asked again.

"No...well the majority of men can't get pregnant, there's just that 2 percent of them who can be able to carry a baby full term and even deliver it with C section." Hobi said. Tae was shocked and his eyes wide open. What if Jimin was pregnant? I mean he looks like it.

"Now tell me why you wanted to know that. Andrew don't even think about lying" Hobi said.

Tae took a loud breath, he knew Hobi was reliable and he wouldn't say anything to Jungkook until they knew for sure, so why shouldn't he say what's going on.

"I just... I think Jimin might be pregnant. I'm not sure about it but he looks like he is." Tae said.

"Jimin? Jungkook's Jimin? My mochi? Your Chim?, Wait...why would you even think he's pregnant?" Hobi asked, he was also getting worried now.

"You see how I've been visiting him everyday? Babe he's weird he likes Apple with peanut butter, Vienna dipped in vanilla ice cream, he once puked saying the smell of egg disgusted him. He's very emotional and cries for everything Hobi. Literally everything. He's losing his abs and gaining a lot of weight in his thighs and ass." Tae said. Hobi looked confused.

"But baby, Jimin has always had a fat ass" Hobi said.

"WHAT? WERE YOU CHECKING MY FRIEND OUT!!?" Tae shouted making Hobi laugh.

" Taehyung anyone can easily spot Jimins ass. I wasn't checking him out and I knew Jimin before you so it's not like I cheated or something." Hobi explained.

"Yeah whatever...listen, please don't tell Jungkook about this. I wanna get Jimin to take a test first, maybe I'm just seeing things" Tae pleaded

"Relax I won't tell Jungkook. Jimin will tell him if it's really true. If it is though I'm happy for them. In fact I'm happy for the whole crew, that baby will be the most pampered I swear to God." Hobi said.

"Right you wanna flex your cash on the baby now?" Tae asked laughing. Hobi loved spending Money on them.

"Aish Shut up " Hobi said laughing.

Jungkook's POV

I was  just chilling when Jimin came rushing down the stairs In my white shirt. He looked so sexy with his thick thighs all out.

"Hmm you look sexy baby" I complement him, he didn't show any smile but rather a "trusfrated" face. He even had red eyes like he was crying.

"Baby what's going on? Come here" I said. He came and sat on my lap and I kissed his neck.

"Jungkook, my favorite skinny jean doesn't fit anymore. Am I getting fat or something?" He asked.

"Baby you're not fat at all. You're just getting thicker. Your ass and thighs are sexy and I'm loving every second of it. You're not fat" I assured him

"But my cheeks are so big now" he said holding on to me like a kid crying for candy

"Baby they're not big, you've always had cute cheeks. Why are you even crying about this Jimin?" I asked.

"Hmm Jungkook you're so insensitive. You have abs and a sexy body. You're literally perfect and I'm getting thicker. I told you to stop buying me nice food because it's not healthy. Its your fault that I'm fat." He cried.

"Jimin I never told you to eat apples with peanut butter. Maybe that's what making you gain weight" I said.

"Oh so no I am fat huh? You just sad I'm okay and you like me like this. Now you don't like me?" He asked crying, he even attempted to get off from me but I held him. I just don't understand what's going on with him. He's so fucking emotional and I don't understand why.

"Baby please don't fight with me. You're perfect like you are and I love you more each and everyday. Please don't be sad okay? Don't cry My baby. I love you" I said.

"I - I too... Jungkook." He said with hiccups. I comforted him and hugged him while wiping his tears.

We stayed on the couch like that while watching the movie that was playing on tv. I wonder what's going on with him these days. It's like he's a ticking time bomb and waiting for someone to provoke him so that he can cry and throw tantrums. I feel like I'm raising a teenager sometimes. But don't let him hear that.

"Jungkook I'm sleepy" he said in a small cute voice. Fuck I love this man with my whole being.

" But you just woke up an hour ago" I said.

"I wanna sleep Jungkook. NOW!!!" He shouted.

" Okay jeez don't bite my head off" I say laughing and carrying him upstairs. He still wasn't that heavy even though he has gained weight. I walked up the stairs  and arrived at my room,well our room now. I laid him on the bed and joined him. I hugged him from behind and gently patted him so that he can fall asleep easily.

"I love you Jungkook" he said with a sleepy voice

"I love you more baby, more than you know. I love you so much Park Jimin." I said.

Soon after I heard light snores, of course my baby had fallen asleep. I need to ask Tae what's going in with him though. I'm sure he knows. They're best friends anyway.

Here's an update for you...I know maybe it was boring but I'll do better next time
Borahae 💜

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