Chapter 13

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Jimins's POV

I don't wanna go to work
I don't wanna go to work
I don't wanna go to work.

I kept repeating the same thing over and over again. I was already done with my hygiene process and was about to go to work. But I just didn't want to.

How will I face Jungkook? My boss who kissed me yesterday? Maybe he was a bit drunk but I was fully aware of the situation, I feel like I led him on or something. What if he hates me? What if he says I'm deliberately trying to ruin his relationship with Hwasa?

I asked myself all these questions as I got in the bus. I didn't even feel the journey to work because I had so many thoughts running on my mind. My stop came and I got off the bus and went into the big building of Jeon Corp. It was early so only a few people had arrived. I greeted them and went to the reception, plopping down on my chair. I chatted with Tae and Jin Hyung but non of them knew what happened yesterday with Jungkook.

" Mr Park good morning" I looked up and it was Yoongi and Hobi hyung. I smiled even though it didn't reach my eyes. Yoongi looked at me like he suspected something.

"Morning Mr Jung and Mr Min" they laughed at my professionalism and I did too.

"Oh hey Jimin? I just really wanted to ask you this before work starts...what happened with Jungkook yesterday?"

My mouth got dry and my mind went blank. I wanted to answer but I honestly don't know what to say.

"Uh...I don't think I know. Maybe you should ask him" I said and they both nodded looking at each other.

"Okay Mochi, see you at lunch maybe" Hobi hyung said. I smiled nodding and off they went to the elevator. Hhhhhuuu that was a close one. The phone rang and I answered.

"Jeon Corp, how may I direct your call?" I asked.

"Please let Mr Jeon know that our meeting for today is cancelled. I've been trying to reach him to no avail."

"Yes Sir, Who should I say called again?" I asked.

"Mr Wang." He said immediately dropping the call, I rolled my eyes at his rudeness. I wrote it down on my notebook so that I won't forget. After about 10 minutes. Jungkook....Mr Jeon entered the big glass door. His visuals demanded respect. I looked at the other employees bowing as he walked past them with an emotion less face. He finally reached my desk.

" Mr Park. Any messages?" He ask not even looking at me. Wow, so he really does hate me. Nice going Jimin.

" Mr Wang has..uhm cancelled the meeting Sir" I said breathing nervously. I'm surprised I haven't peed myself

"Did he say when he was going to meet me?" He asked.

"No, maybe you should ask Hobi about that" I said.

"He's Mr Jung to you." He said glancing at me once then he walked to the elevator. I bit my bottom lip hard to suppress sobs that wanted to come out. Even my eyes were stung by tears but I didn't let them out. I'm so Sorry Mr Jeon. I think I just ruined our work relationship.

The day went by pretty fast and before I knew it, It was lunch time already. I walked to get myself water which was also right near my table. Out of nowhere Eun-woo appeared. I got startled nearly spilling the water.

" Sorry Jimin, I didn't mean to scare you" he said looking very sincere. I smiled looking at him.

"It's fine Eun-woo, I'm just a scaredy cat. How are you?"

" I'm fine, are you okay?" I smiled nodding while trying to walk past him but he held my hand.

"Jimin wait...uhm. I don't know I was wondering if you...wanted to grab lunch with me?" He asked. I smiled a bit getting tempted by his offer.

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