Chapter 19

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"My husband" Jimin said. He was afraid, the banging on the door was getting louder and more intense. Kai definitely was drunk, and after getting drunk he decided to come and harass Jimin, insulting Jimin made Kai feel like he was on top of the world. It made him feel better about himself.

" Your husband? Don't you fucking call him that Jimin you're not married to him" Jungkook said whisper shouting. Jimin just looked down feeling sorry.


"Jungkook let's go before he breaks the door, Please" Jimin said grabbing Jungkook's hand. They went to open the balcony door but were stopped by the commotion happening outside Jimins's door.

"Jong-in!! Why are you so drunk? Why are you making noise like this? How will Jimin let you in when you're this drunk Kai? Pull yourself together." Jimin heard that it was Mrs Kim's voice.

"Kai you better stop your yelling! We were sleeping for god's sake. Jimin open this door we wanna talk to you now. If you don't I'll use my lock anyway." Now that was Mr Kim. Jimin freaked out. He didn't know what to do. He looked at Jungkook who looked just as clueless.

"Jimin? I don't know what you're gonna do but I'm not getting out of here without you. I won't leave you behind" Jungkook said cupping Jimins's face.

"Kookie please, I think you should go. They're gonna hurt both of us. They'll hurt you even more. Please go" Jimin said pleading and crying while holding on tight to Jungkook's wet track top. Jungkook shook his head. How could he leave after he has found Jimin. He has found his source of happiness. So why leave him behind?

" JIMIN NO!!" Jungkook's anger got the better of him and he shouted at Jimin making him flinch and pout. Little did he realize that the Kim's outside heard his voice.

"JIMIN OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!! ARE YOU HIDING SOMEONE IN THERE!! OPEN UP" that was Kai shouting and trying to push the door open. That's when Jungkook realized that he messed up. He got Jimin in trouble.

"Jungkook you have to go now please. They're gonna hurt you please leave" Jimin pleaded and cry while he was whispering. Jungkook's hand brought Jimin closer to him. He held the smaller's waist and hugged him tightly. After the hug he smashed his lips on him.

Jimin kissed back feeling like there is hope for the future. It will be okay...Jungkook will help me, those are thoughts which ran through Jimins's mind. After the long kiss they both pulled out panting.

"Jimin I'll come back. Tomorrow night I'll be here to take you home. You don't belong here. You belong with me" Jungkook blurted out the last part making Jimin surprised but he was glad that Jungkook felt something for him. That's all the assurance he needed that everything will be fine.

Jungkook kissed Jimin one more time and went out the balcony door. He climbed over the barriers and went down like spiderman while Jimin was watching him. He then jumped and ran to Jump over the fence again. When he was out of sight Jimin closed the door and wiped the wet footsteps inside his room with a t-shirt.

"JIMIN OPEN UP"   the shouting voice scarred him. He rushed to the door and the whole family rushed in and started looking around his room. They checked behind the curtains and Kai even checked on the balcony but there was no one and everything seemed fine. Like no one was here. Jimin covered it all up.

"Jimin who was here? I know someone was here. You don't smell like this.WHO THE FUCK WAS HERE?!" Kai shouted at Jimin making him flinch as Tears gushed out of his eyes. All Kai ever does is shout at him.

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