Chapter 60 - Finale

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A Year Later.

"Areum-Byeol....YAH JEON AREUM!!! Put it down, put the paper down. We don't eat paper baby" I said pointing my finger at him. He was sitting down on the tiled floor eating some paper that Jungkook had scrunched up and threw anyhow on the floor.

"Dada paper?" He asked with a little baby voice, he's two years old now and his speech wasn't that perfect but I could understand what he says.

"Yes that's Dada's paper baby. Don't eat the paper." I said to him. I was standing on the sink washing the dishes that were dirty there. Kookie had to pop into the office even though it was a Saturday, but he assured me he'd be back within 3 hours. There's a little something he needs to do. Everything was okay between us ever since we got married. We don't have big fights such as cheating and stuff even though we do fight. We both love each other and no one is cheating, unless of course he's too good at hiding it...but I know he's not cheating. We're happy actually.

" Daddy Daddy Daddy pi me up, pi me up daddy" my Areum said those words. Luckily I was done with the dishes so I wiped my hands and picked him up...oh god he's so heavy, and to be honest he looks like Jungkook more and more. It's like I'm not even his parent now. But he did get these cheeks and eyes from me.

I went to sit down and played around with my baby. The door opened and these friends of mine came in...A year later they know that I'm married now but they still don't knock. I could be having sex on this couch for God's sake.

" Are you guys ever gonna learn to knock?" I asked them rolling my eyes.

"Shut up and let me see my baby" Tae said taking Areum from my hands...everytime when they're here I don't get to hold my child. They keep passing him from these hands to those.

"Before you ask where Jungkook is, he's parking the car in the garage, he'll be here." Yoongi hyung said coming to sit next to me and wrap his arms around me.

"Don't let Jungkook see you do that Yoongs" Namjoon hyung said laughing a bit....Well Jungkook get jealous easily so I knew exactly what he means.

" How's Kim Hye? Our little princess" I asked Jin Hyung, they usually bring baby Hye here when they come to visit, but sometimes she stays with her nanny. She's an angel for real, never cries, always plays around and she's so cute. Always wearing pink. Yeah Jin doesn't play like that. Her room is full of RJ paintings and teddy's. All Jin Hyung's work.

"She's too much trouble, I can't always bring her here. Plus they always fight with Areum" Jin said laughing

"BABY AND MY OTHER BABY" Jungkook said as he entered the house, shirt rolled up to his elbows, unbuttoned on the 3 top buttons, tie loosened up and hair looking messy. My husband is like really...My husband is so hot.

"Bitch stop drooling, that's how you got pregnant in the first place. Looking at him like a snack" Tae said slapping my arm a little.

"I'm not a snack, I'm a whole damn meal." Kookie said making his way to me. He kissed my lips, I thought it'd be just a perk but he deepened it and even slowly bit my lip.

"Ah fuck me. Get a room you two." Yoongi said hitting Jungkook with a pillow. He was right next to us so he was looking directly at the whole scene unfolding.

"My house, my baby, my rules" jungkook said sitting down on the couch and brushing his hand against my tight, maybe I'm just being horny crazy but I want him so bad right now....what am I saying? I always want him so bad.

"Why do you guys pretend like you don't have houses? Like... you own mansions but you're Always here." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Oh you wanna spend quality time with Jimin and your babies" Hobi asked laughing a bit.

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