Chapter 5

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Jimins's POV

It was in the morning and I was heading to Tae's car. He was already waiting for me by the gate. Tae lived in his apartment that his parents bought for him. I on the other hand I'm renting this apartment, and you better believe Mr Choi wants his rent on time, that's why I always have to get piece jobs. I got into Tae's car and hugged him.

"Morning Tae Tae" I greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Chim Chim, ready to go?" I nodded cheerfully again

"Well you are happy today, Is work treating you good?" He asked as he took my hand into his, I smiled at the contact. He knows I love it when he does that.

"Work is just fine Taehyungie, Jin Hyung treats me like he's known me for years. The customers are very friendly and they tip me a lot. Everything is going well"

" Seems like everything is really going well, now only one thing is missing" Tae said and I looked at him knowingly. I knew what he was about to say anyway.

" What is missing Tae?" I asked rolling my eyes.

" A man, you need to get laid Jimin. It's about time, you're 23 years old now. You should've bottomed for someone"

"Bottom? Who said I wanna bottom Tae? I wanna be the top" I said and Take just laughed at me loudly.

" Top? Minnie you literally scream bottom. You should be glad I'm your friend because If not, I would be your boyfriend and I swear to God I'd fuck you everyday" Tae said and I laughed covering my face with my free hand.

"Oh my God Tae, you're such a pervert" (he laughed and kissed my hand that he was holding. Ohhhh Tae would make the best boyfriend to any guy. He is handsome, tall. Has a deep voice, sexy and funny. He cares for everyone. Anybody would be lucky to have him. It's a pity that no one has captured his eyes just yet.

" Aaannnd we're here. Have a good day at work Chim"

" Enjoy your day to Tae, you're taking Tannie to the vet after the right? " I asked, Tannie Is his dog.

" Yeah I'm going to get him now. Bye now. I love you" he said kissing my hand one more time.

" I love you too Tae" (I blew him a kiss and happily got of the car. Skipping to work. I then heard Tae's car leave. I placed my bag in my locker and started doing my work.

****Time skip to lunch time***********

" Jiminah, Mr Kim is asking for you in his office" Nancy said. I nodded and walked to Jin hyungs office.

I knocked once and he opened the door. Stepping aside to let me In, I got in and saw an unfamiliar handsome face. Why is everybody so handsome though?

" Good Day Sir" ( I greeted the stranger who just smiled at me revealing his cute dimples. Wow, is this Jin Hyung's boyfriend? He is so handsome and cute at the same time.

" Yah Jiminah, don't call him Sir. This is Namjoon. My friend. Joonie this is Park Jimin. My employee and cute dongsaeng" Jin Hyung introduced us.

" Oh so he is the infamous Jiminie huh? Jin is so charmed by you Jimin. Each and every second he talks about you. "Oh my god Jimin is so cute" " oh my god he's so small" " he looks like an Angel" " he's so hardworking" I laughed upon getting the compliments from Jin Hyung although he doesn't say it directly to me.

" Ah don't mind Jin Hyung, he is just exaggerating." I said

" Oh I don't think so, I think you look cute also" Namjoon said and Jin coughed. Coming to sit on his chair.

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