Chapter 41

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Jungkook and Kai had their man looking for Jimin while they stayed behind to monitor the progress and just in case they'd be followed. In fact Kai did a lot of work while Jungkook tried here and there. He was not okay. He was drained and suffering. He had a lot of apologies to say to Jimin and his friends also.

"Jungkook, what really happened?" Kai asked. He knew Jimin might be in danger but he wanted to know how Jungkook lost focus on Jimin and didn't protect him.

"I was an asshole" Jungkook said ruffling his hair with his fingers.

He then started explaining everything to Kai, he didn't leave a single detail. He told Kai of how wrong he was and that he fell into a trap to break him up with Jimin. Even told him about kissing Hwasa while Jimin was still missing.

"Wow that's a story. You're really stupid Jungkook" Kai said

"I know. I can admit it Infront of you but I don't think I can in front of my hyungs and Jimin. I'm way too embarrassed and I'm really scared they'll hate me." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook you're still the same little boy you were back then In Busan when we were kids. Everytime when I convinced your girlfriends to date me by threatening them and paying them off. You'd always think they're wrong meanwhile I was the wrong one. You always wanna see yourself winning at the end of it all. You have too much of an ego and that thing doesn't fit in relationships. Admit your wrongs" Kai said. Jungkook looked down in embarrassment. He killed Kai's father in cold blood and right now Kai is helping him find his love.

Jungkook wouldn't do that. He'd still be planning his revenge by now.

"You hurt Jimin in the worst way possible. Even if you didn't believe him, you could have taken his side and looked into the matter yourself. That's what I would have done. And now after you said Hwasa rocked up here I'm pretty sure she knows where Jimin is." Kai said.

Jungkook stood still thinking, can It be Hwasa?

"Hwasa once came to me and told me to avenge my self. She said we should work together in breaking y'all up. I guess she did it by herself then and she succeeded." Kai said.

Jungkook was still too frozen to say anything. So he really was made a fool by his ex girlfriend. He's gonna kill Hwasa that's what he knew for sure.

"I know what you're thinking. You wanna kill Hwasa. I bet finding Jimin first didn't even cross your mind. You just want to Kill Hwasa." Kai said. He had mastered the art of learning how Jungkook's mind works since they were teenagers.

"Let's find Jimin first...thank you Kai. It's you and my hyungs who are making me realize how wrong I am. I'm sorry for all the shitty things I've done to you. I honestly don't deserve your kindness." Jungkook said.

"Well that's the first step of realizing that you're wrong." Kai said.

Kai's phone rang and he quickly answered it.

"Talk to me......yeah yeah I know......are you sure?.....okay surround the place we'll be there now......yeah wait for us first" Kai then hung up and looked at Jungkook who had hope written on his face.

"They've found were Jimin is kept. Let's go." Kai said. They quickly took their guns and Jungkook called Jin. He knew he's the one who'll answer quickly out of all the others.

"Jin Hyung. Jimin has been located. Come with the guys to the deserted houses in *******. We're already headed there." Jungkook said immediately dropping the call.

Meanwhile Jin was still shocked for a moment. He looked at the guys.

"That was Jungkook. They found Jimin. Let's go" they all rushed out of the house driving to where Jimin is.

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