Chapter 31

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A week later

It was the weekend and Jungkook woke up first. He didn't want to wake up though but the feeling of something very hot against his body woke him up. He fluttered his eyes open and looked at the curled up cute boy clinging onto him. His boyfriend. He touched Jimins's neck and forehead and he was shocked as to how hot he was. It's like he had a fever or something.

"Jimin? Baby? Wake up Babe" Said a panicked Jungkook. After a few times of being called Jimin finally snapped out of his sleep. He opened his cute white eyes and looked at his handsome boyfriend with a smile. Jungkook couldn't help but return it even though he knew that Jimin was sick.

"Your eyes at getting more beautiful each day Baby" Jungkook complemented. And he was right, they are whiter and clear than usual.

"Thank you. But I'm sleepy stop waking me up" Jimin said attempting to close his eyes once again. But Jungkook held him up and made him sit upright.

" No you aren't going to bed now. We should go to the clinic and get you checked out. You're so hot like you have a fever or something. Even last week you were like this. I'm getting worried now." Jungkook said.

"But I'm fine Kookie. Stop worrying" Jimin said with puppy innocent cute eyes.

"No get up. We're taking a shower and we're going to get you checked out." Jungkook said getting off the bed and carrying the protesting small boy into the bathroom. Stripping both their clothes of he let the cold shower water hit them. He figured that mayne cold water would help with Jimins's high temperature.


After they were done with their hygiene routine and had both worn their clothes. Jungkook being the extra carrying boyfriend again Carried Jimin to the car.

"Kookie I can walk by myself, I'm not Crippled." Jimin whined but Jungkook just smiled.

"You're my baby, I'm supposed to carry you around" Jungkook the muscle pig replied with a smile. They got I the car and Jungkook drove off to a private clinic. At least that way they won't have to wait in line for too long.

After the drive which wasn't really that long they finally reached the clinic. Getting out of their car Jungkook finally let Jimin walk on his own.

When they got in the clinic it was all eyes on them. Everyone was like "who are these hot men that just came in?" And it doesn't help that Jimin was wearing ripped jeans and turtleneck with a unbuttoned shirt on. He looked so hot and constantly flipping his hair and biting his lip didn't help any women there.

"Stop flirting with the nurses you shameless flirt" Jungkook warned. He was angry that both males and females here were looking at his boyfriend like he is a snack. Which he truly is.

"I'm not flirting Kookie" he answered cutely with a smile. Of course he was flirting and he felt good knowing that he can still make both men and women stare at him. He hasn't lost his touch yet.

They got to the reception and the receptionist there trembled under the gaze of the handsome guys in front of her.

" Hi, is Nurse Kim available at this moment?" Jungkook asked. The receptionist looked in the books.

"Fortunately for you good sirs she's here. But she has an appointment in thirty minutes so use this time wisely" she answered. Both the man thanked her hand Jungkook led Jimin to Kim's office. He barged in there opening the door without knocking.

"Oh My god Jeon Jungkook long time no see. I thought you hated me now." The beautiful nurse said rushing to hug Jungkook who returned it with a smile. Jimin looked down biting his lips. He really didn't like the skin ship between those two. Jungkook is bisexual so he felt threatened.

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