Chapter 42

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"if sorry was enough then there wouldn't be a need of the police and lawyers right?" Jimin asked looking at Jungkook. For the first time since he knew Jungkook he felt like he was looking at a stranger. He felt so much resentment and hate for Jungkook.

" Jimin please. You don't have to forgive me now because I know that what I said was a mistake. I was..." Jungkook got cut off by Jimin.

"Mistake? You call that a mistake? A mistake is when you forgot to turn off the stove. That's a mistake." Jimin said.

" But Jimin I..." Jungkook tried to explain but Yoongi glared at him.

" Jungkook. I believe you knew exactly what you were doing. You had no facts and you kicked Jimin out in the dark like he was some dog" Tae said angrily.

"Pabo!! You even had Hwasa at your house busy shoving your tongue down her throat.!!" Tae continued shouting but stopped as soon as he realized what he said.

They had all agreed that they'd hide the kiss from Jimin to avoid him being hurt even more.

"It's okay Tae. Hwasa was honest enough to tell me what happened between her and Jungkook so I know everything." Jimin said standing up.

"I need to sleep. Yoongi Hyung? Which room should I use?" Jimin asked.

"Use mine I still need to prepare yours" Yoongi answered. Jimin smiled fondly then looked at Jungkook with pure disgust. Jimin being angry was an understatement, he was beyond that. He wanted to kill Jungkook with his bare hands.

" You better not be here when I wake up Jeon. Seeing you makes me wanna puke" Jimin said then clicked his tongue going upstairs to Yoongi's room.

After he had disappeared on the stairs everyone released a breath. Jimin is scary when he is mad and he scared all of them when he is in fact angry at Jungkook.

" Well you messed It up yourself Jungkook. Looking at Kai. I can see he would have been a better husband." Hobi said leaning on Tae's shoulder. Jungkook looked down in shame. He knew Hobi was right.

" Jungkook we're mad at you. We're all mad a you but we don't hate you. No one does. Well maybe Jimin hates you" Jin said.

"Hyung you're not making me feel better." Jungkook said.

"Okay that didn't come out right. What I mean is we are mad at you but we still love you no matter what. This anger is only temporary. We know that you were wrong and we can see it. Try to convince Jimin to forgive you, it's his decision and we support him. You guys are good friends of mine. I don't want our relationship to be ruined. So I suggest we let Jimin and Jungkook work it out on their own while we stay aside and watch" Jin said.

"Unfortunately I won't stay aside. I'll be right in the middle of Jimin and Jungkook. I did say I don't trust Jungkook with Jimin anymore." Yoongi said.

" So what if Jimin wants to get back with Jungkook?" Namjoon asked Yoongi.

" Can we all just stop? Step aside and let Jimin work on his anger on his own. While Jungkook reflects too." Hobi said defeated.

"Yoongi. Jimin is gonna stay here under your roof. He was kidnapped and he'll need all of our support. You'll always be here with him when we're at our places. Comfort him but don't do it with dick." Hobi warned.

" How low do you think I can go Hobi?" Yoongi asked.

" I'm worried too. Yoongi you have feelings for Jimin. Please let him recover fully. He'll decide who he wants" Jin said.

" Why are we already thinking way past Jimins's recovery? Why do you make it look like he has to chops between Yoongi and Jungkook. He was just kidnapped let him get over that first. Jeez!" Tae half shouted.

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