Chapter 47

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I was all smiles as we had all went back to Yoongi's place. Jungkook was sitting next to me on the couch while holding my hand. For the first time in months I felt really happy. My friends and family make me happy but Jungkook adds on it too.

"Jimin must have really missed you Kooks. He hasn't stopped smiling since you arrived" Namjoon hyung said laughing a bit. I just blushed and covered my face with one hand.

"Hyung stop teasing my soulmate. I felt his pain when Jungkook was gone so I'm really happy too" Tae said in my defense.

"Thank you Tae. Now that's a real friend" I said smiling. Jungkook was looking at me with a smile showing his cute teeth. He looks so cute when he looks at me like that.
I smiled back at him also.

" Guys Eew get a room" Yoongi said scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Hyung we're not doing anything." I said smiling.

"You're looking at each other with heart eyes, it's disgusting for fucks sake" he said rolling his eyes.

" Yeah whatever let the kids be in love Yoongi" Jin Hyung said smiling.

"Hyung we're old now stop calling us kids. Kids don't have sex and get each other pregnant" Jungkook said holding into his arms. I just smiled.

" Jimin aren't you hungry?. Or you wanna eat Jungkook's dick tonight?" Hobi hyung asked.

"HYUNG" I exclaimed being all shy.

"I mean it's understandable because you haven't had dick for months now." Hobi said laughing.

"Hyung I have a boyfriend remember?" I asked pouting a bit and the guys just laughed at me.

"Oh yeah I remember, that's why you're all sticky with him holding him like he'll disappear again." Hobi said making us all to laugh again.

" You guys tease me a lot, you don't love me anymore so therefore I'm spending the night with Jungkook today" I said pouting trying to look angry.

"Wow already trying to get some sneaky hoe" Tae said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Jungkook?" I pouted looking at him. He was only laughing and not rescuing me at all.

"Okay fine sorry baby. Let's go to our place then." He finally said. I smiled nodding repeatedly like a baby.

" Bye you guys. Have safe sex." Namjoon hyung warned

" I really can't promise that hyung" Jungkook said laughing as he helped me up.

We said goodbye to the guys and went to the cab he had called. The car ride was just filled with normal conversation and jokes. Letting him know what he missed as he was gone. We finally arrived and it place and went inside the house.

When we got there I was stunned to speak. His house was even more beautiful than before. It was also cozy and felt like home. There was a picture of me on the wall. A big frame of me. Then there was his next to mine too.

"Wow. When did you do all this Jungkook?" I asked him.

"I came back three weeks ago so I had time." He said. Damn this mother fucker.

"So you mean you've been back for three weeks but you never came to me. You never even called?" I asked him.

"Baby I was still scared I'm sorry" he said kissing the top of my head.

"What were they feeding you in Russia? Look how big you are, you even got taller" I said to him.

"They fed me a lot of hard work, training and fruits." He said smiling at me.

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