Chapter 15

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Jimins's POV

The drive to the Kim's house was an hour long. To me it felt like eternity because I was suffocating in this car. Mrs Kim was busy telling me that I'll love his son and that he's handsome. Of course I'm gay but not for everyone I meet. Tears were just falling on my cheeks and I was frequently wiping them away. Finally we arrived at this big house. It was very big and beautiful you could just tell that the Kim's were loaded. Even this car we're on is hella fancy.

"We're here Jiminie, grab your bag" Mrs Kim said. I took my bag and got out of the car along with them while a security guard went to park their car in the garage. We went inside the house and I was amazed by the design and how clean and beautiful it was. But of course I'm not here to admire the house. I'm here to die.... joking I'm here to marry a fucking stranger...God I wanna scream!!

" Elizabeth!!! ELIZABETH!! COME HERE" that was Mr Kim's loud and deep voice shouting. It filled the living room and soon after a older women who looked around 50 years emerged from the kitchen.

"Yes Master Kim" the women bowed in respect.

"Show this young boy to the room I asked you to prepare in the morning" Mr Kim said his voice booming authority. The women came and try to take my bag.

"No it's fine I'll carry it myself" she nodded and led me upstairs, I was walking behind her until we stopped in front of a white door. She pushed the door open and ushered me in first.

"Thank you Aunty" I said bowing to her.

"Aish Young Master don't bow to me. I'm a nobody" she said with a sad smile on her face. I patted her shoulder and looked at me with a now warm smile.

"My mother was once a helper, so to me you are just like my mother." I said warmly and she smiled with tears forming in her eyes.

"Forgive my emotions young master, but in this house we're just servants. I haven't seen someone being so kind in years. " She said wiping a year which was falling.

"In years? Where is your family?" I asked her

"I don't have a family. I don't have kids and a husband. It's just me alone. My parents died when I was young, hence I started working here when I was just 15" she said

"Well how old are you now?" I asked her feeling so sad for her, some people really have it hard in life Soo just saw that my problems are minor compared to hers.

"You don't ask a women her age young Master, but now I'm 48 years old" she answered looking down.

"Well you don't look a day over thirty" i said smiling trying to cheer her up, well of course I almost guessed her age correct. She does look old.

"Yah stop playing with me...are you a relative here?" She asked now looking a bit serious.

"No actually, I'm here to get married to Kim Jong-in...they said he's know as Kai though." I said giving her a sad smile. She returned it too patting my back.

"Oh well seems like you'll need energy drinks, many of them because that brat will drain your energy" The maid sad bitterly making Jimin laugh.

"Is he that bad?"  I asked pouting and she nodded.

" Just wait until you meet him young Master"

"No no..please call me Jimin. Young Master makes me sound like a brat" I said and she laughed. She was a very beautiful women though but she looked tired.

"Don't you wanna lay down in my bed? You seem tired" I asked but she quickly shook her head.

"Aigoo there's not time for that. I'm very busy preparing dinner for the family." She said attempting to go.

"Jimin, thank you for showing me kindness after so long. May God bless you abundantly" she said making me smile widely. She was really a kid women.

"Amen Aunty" she smiled and went out. I threw myself on the bed and it was so comfortable. Might be the comfortable bed I've ever slept in. I can feel that my stay here will be painful, what if their son hates me? But it's fine I can hate him back. This shame of a marriage Is forced anyway so I couldn't care less.

The door opened and Mrs Kim came in. She had now changed into comfortable clothes. She stood by the door and looked at me with a warm smile.

"You're so pretty Kai would be stupid not to like you" she said and I forced a smile too.

"Food is ready come on" she said motioning me to get up. I did and she led me back downstairs and we went to the dining room. It was beautiful with a long big table and chairs. Food was already prepared and scattered on the huge table. I gulped down saliva as I felt hungry now.

I sat down on a chair and Mr Kim joined me together with his wife. It was only just the three of us there.

"Elizabeth! Where is Kai?" Mr Kim asked

"Young Master is in his room Master Kim" Aunty answered him.

"Go get him" Mr Kim again demanded. Aunty bowed and went to get this Kai. Soon she came followed by a tall guy, he was jungkook's height if I'm not mistaken. He was busy on his phone not even noticing that there's an addition in the table.

" Kai we have a guest please be respectful" Mrs Kim said. Kai's eyes darted to me and he looked at me with a look I couldn't understand. Like he was disgusted.

"Mom how many times have I told you not to pick up kids from the streets and bring them here? You know that I don't wanna be introduced to new servants? Why is she even in this table with us?" He asked....whoa whoa whoa back the fuck up...did he just call me a she?

"This is a "he", his name is Park Jimin and he's not our servant. He's more important than that." Mr Kim answered his son. Kai looked at me and just shrugged rolling his eyes.

"SERVANTS!! MAID!! COME AND PUT THIS ON CHARGER FOR ME!!!" that was Kai shouting, Elizabeth came in quickly and took Kai's gadget placing it on charger...right behind Kai!!!!. Wait...he called Aunty to charge his phone for him, when he could have just taken two steps to the plug. Damn this kid, he really is a spoilt brat. Aunty excused herself after charging his phone.

"So who did they say you are again" Kai asked me. I looked down on my plate of food.

"Park Jimin" I answered and continued eating.

"Why are you eating so much? You'll get even more fat" he said to me. I felt so offended and I placed down my fork as tears stung my eyes.

"Look at him he wants to cry, Mom and Dad...who the fuck is this anyway?"

"He's your soon to be husband" Mr Kim said.

"WHAT!!!??? Tell me you're joking, you must be joking Dad. What husband are you talking about? I'm not getting married to anyone especially not a boy." Kai said

"I thought you were bisexual Kai?" His mother asked.

"DOESN'T MEAN I WANNA GET MARRIED TO THIS CREATURE. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DAD!!?. you better send him back to the streets where you took him because he ain't getting married to me" Kai said shouting at his parents. He really has no respect. All i did was agree to the marriage while crying and he's here cussing at his parents.


"Inheritance? What dad? No please no Don't do that?" Kai sad putting his hands together as he pleaded.

"You're getting married then" Mrs Kim finished off.

"Yes Mom and Dad" Kai said sounding like he was calming down but he gave me an ugly glare.

"C -can you uh..please excuse me?" I said standing up but a loud bang on the table startled me.

"Jimin sit!!, We'll have dinner like a happy family" Mr Kim said trying to calm himself. I nodded and sat down with wobbly knees. I couldn't eat anything more so I just sipped on some Juice.

Happy family my ass...this might just be like experiencing hell on earth.

Hello Babies. Here's something to feast your eyes
Borahae 💜

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