Chapter 44

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I was in my tent and it was 4am in the morning. I had woken up already because I knew in less than a minute they'd wake me up. I had gotten used to living in this camp even though it was pure torture. But only two reasons motivated me to continue. Jimin and My baby. Oh wait it's three reasons. My friends too.

The siren close to my tent rang. I stood up and put on my shoes and walked out. That man was standing there. Honestly I swear to God on my last day here I'll kill him before I go.

"JeeOn Jun-Koo" he said trying to pronounce my name.

"Russo Patrov, it's Jeon Jungkook. I've been here for five months it's Time you got it right"

"Whatever...your papa called. He had something delivered for you in the main house." Patrov said.

"So why didn't you bring it to me?" I asked him

"When you came here you were humble. Now you're rude I'm afraid of the person you are" he said chuckling

" I'm still humble, you just get on my nerves. I know you're not hard on the other guys. I've seen how you treat them. But me on the other hand, you go out of your way to make me suffer. It's like you forget that I can get you fired in just a blink of an eye." I said to him.

He looked at me and looked down. He walked away and i followed him to the house. I got there and sat on the barstool while he gave me a brown package which had a letter attached to it.

Hey son.

Just something to motivate you to come back sooner.

Love Dad

That's how the letter reads. I opened the brown package and the first thing that met my eyes was Jimins's picture. He was wearing a baggy shirt and shorts walking to the mall with Yoongi and Tae. I smiled seeing how they held his hand and how pretty he is. His smile made me miss him even more.

I then passed on to look at another picture when he entered the clinic doors. Probably for his monthly check up. This time his t-shirt wasn't that baggy so I could clearly see his bump. It had gotten so big, a tear fell from my eye and I quickly wiped it away. I wanna go back to Jimin but I haven't finished my time here.

I looked through all the pictures, ones were Jimins alone but if he was outdoors Yoongi was always there with him. I'm grateful though. He really took my words to heart when I asked him to take care of Jimin for me. Something which I wasn't really good at.

" Your wife is pretty" Patrov said. I even forgot he was here next to me all along.

"He's a boy" i said correcting him. He widened his eyes shocked.

"Oh so you'" He asked shocked.

"Yeah. Got a problem with that?" I asked him.

"No no no, but I hired a girl to make you feel good tonight. Guess I have to cancel her then" he said.

"Yeah you do that. I'll be training tonight anyway" I said.

"But we don't train at night Jun-Koo" he said.

"Well I will be. I have to go home sooner or later. Right before my love gives birth. I wanna hold his hand right before he goes to the theater room. I wanna be there when my baby cries for the first time while Jimin is unconscious. I wanna name him with My love. I wanna see him grow. And being here for long will make me miss all that. I already miss the monthly check ups and feeding his cravings. I can't miss more. I have to be there" I said looking at Jimins's photo

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