Chapter 26

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The young man Kai was sitting on his couch. A bottle of whiskey on his hand and he was drinking straight from it. He was already drunk but his mother not being here meant no one would stop him, because the maids wouldn't even dare try to.

" Why am I so stupid? Fuck Kai you're so stupid. If only you showed love to Jimin on the first day he came here. I don't know why I was in denial, I fell for him the moment I saw him. Maybe if I told him that I like him then we could be Married by now. I'm so stupid. Now the only boy who woke feelings I never thought I had is with non other than Jeon Jungkook. Why the fuck does it have to be him?"

Kai questioned himself blurting out his monologue. He hated Jungkook. He hated Jungkook because he has always had what Kai wanted. They were neighbors I'm Busan when they were younger. Both about 9 to 15 years old. They weren't friends but they'd chill together if their parents weren't home.

Kai would always envy that Jungkook had a loving father. Who bought him everything. Took him everywhere, played with him. Showered him with love and did everything for him. He got jealous because he never had all those things.

He started stealing some of the toys Jungkook had making Mr Jeon shout at Jungkook. But of course he was his son so he'd forgive him in an instant so that would piss Kai off sometimes. He then started attacking Jungkook's personal life. Stealing his girlfriends and fucking them, telling them to break up with Jungkook to which they would immediately obey as he'd flush his money on them.

Jungkook even stopped having girlfriends because he knew Kai was always out to get him. But now....

Jimin? How would he get Jimin? Chances are he hates Kai. He really wasn't a good guy to Jimin.

Kai's train of thoughts was disturbed by the front door opening. A beautiful girl wearing a short white dress came in. Kai looked at her, she was beautiful but...was she lost?

"Kai right?" The women asked the clueless drunk man.

"Yeah, who're you?" He asked with a drunk voice.

"I'm Hwasa. We have to talk"

"Hwasa? How can I help you?" He asked placing the bottle which was almost empty on the tiled white floor.

"Actually, the question here is...How can I help you?" Hwasa said now earning the attention of Kai fully.

" What do you mean?" Kai asked confused.

"Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin."

Kai kept quite looking at the girl, does she maybe have a certain connection with Jimin and Jungkook. He was now so fully invested and interested on finding out more.

" Talk to me" he said feeling alcohol wearing off almost instantly.

"I'm Jungkook's ex girlfriend, he cheated on me with Jimin then broke up with me after that. Our relationship of three years down the drain because of that boy. And I know Jimin was almost your husband." Hwasa said.

"And? What's your point?" Kai asked.

" Argh why don't you use your fucken brain?!. I'm out for revenge and I need help. You'd be the perfect one to help me out here." Hwasa said looking proud like she scored a business deal.

" Why would I help? What's in it for me?" Kai asked.

"I get Jungkook back, you get your Jimin back."

Kai kept quite like he was thinking and weighing all the pros and cons. He wanted Jimin back no doubt but was he willing to risk his life? Jungkook killed his father in cold blood, won't he kill him too? The was way to dangerous. Kai felt like he would rather apologize to treating Jimin like shit then he skips the country rather than starting was with the man who killed his father.

" Hwasa count me out. Your ex boyfriend killed my father in cold blood because he wanted Jimin. Imagine what he would do to us If we seek revenge?" Kai asked.

"Wh-what? Jungkook killed your father? Oh my god. Does he really value Jimin that much to even kill for him. Why am I starting to feel like I never meant anything to Jungkook? Like I was a time waster for 3 years?"

Hwasa said with tears forming in her eyes. She was starting to see that she was never important now. Which formed more hatred in her heart.


"Maybe you might wanna talk to him about that? Stop shouting in my house and leave. Find someone else to help you with your mission. I'm not ready to put my life in such a risky situation. I do love Jimin but I'm not ready to die. Maybe he's not even for me. Maybe it's just an affection for a short time." Kai said trying to convince himself. Of course he knew he was in love with Park Jimin. I mean who wouldn't though.

"Fine, stay here and get drunk you fucken coward. I'm gonna do it all myself, Jungkook will be mine and this time I'll leave Eric for good and focus on Jungkook." Hwasa said with a slight evil smile.

" Whoa whoa want Jungkook back but you were cheating on him? How stupid can you be?" Kai said laughing. He could already see Hwasa's plan falling apart before it even started.

"Don't judge me because you don't know me". Hwasa said taking her expensive bag from the couch and standing up.

"So long Kai...when you need me, gimme a call" she said giving Kai her card with her contacts.

"Thanks, bye Miss Hwasa" he said sarcastically. hwasa rolled her eyes and left banging the door hard as she got out. Kai looked at the business card.

He put it in his mouth and chewed it up till it was fully crushed. He threw it in the bin and sank on the couch again.

He can do it all but he wasn't going to go against Jungkook anymore. He did that a lot when he was young and now he can't anymore. Jungkook did grow up to be a dangerous guy.

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