Chapter 52

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Hwasa's POV.

I was sitting on my bed when the female warden came over.

"Hey Ahn! You got visitors." The warden said.

"Who?" I asked her.

"How am I supposed to know. It's two men. Come" she said. I smiled a bit. It's probably Jimin and Jungkook, or Maybe it's my dad and my lawyer.

I really hope it's Jimin and Jungkook. I have a lot to say to them. I have a lot of sorry's to say to them. I know they won't believe me, heck even my lawyer and my father don't believe that I am really remorseful. I'm really regretting my life decisions at this moment. Everything I ever did to Jimin and Jungkook. It was all wrong and I regret it now.

"Okay let's go" I said as the warden Led me to the visitors room. And like I hoped. Jimin and Jungkook were sitting there waiting for me. Jimin seemed okay but Jungkook was disgusted and he looked angry.

"Jimin, Jungkook" I said as I sat down on my chair.

"Bitch you better not be here to tell me you still want my man again because trust me this time I'll actually fight and hurt you. I don't mind being in an orange suit next to your cell if you wanna start your tactics again." Jimin said giving me an ugly glare.

"Jimin you have every right to think that I want to hurt you and break you up with Jungkook again. I don't want that, I called the both of you here a week ago because I wanted to ask for forgiveness." I said looking down.

"Bitch what?" Jimin said looking shocked.

"Can you please cool down on the insults?" I asked.

"Have you ever cooled down on the insults Hwasa?" Jimin asked.

"Okay I guess I deserve that. Uhm Jungkook....I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything, for cheating on you. Setting Jimin up to look like he cheated. Plotting a kidnapping and actually going through with it. I put Jimin in danger all because of an obsession that I have with you." I said.

They both looked at me blankly without showing an expression on their faces.

"Uhm...I deeply apologize, being here has taught me a lot of things. And I've been bullied by a lot of girls, especially those who killed girls who tried to break them up with their Boyfriends. They've been bullying me day and night and I'm scared. I'm scared I'll lose my life before asking for forgiveness to you guys." I said truthfully.

"Jimin I almost killed your baby by kidnapping you and starving you. I know you hate me and I'm deeply sorry. Please forgive me. It may not be now but please Jimin. I'm sorry for the bottom of my heart, please forgive me." I said with my hands together begging.

Jimin looked at me with eyes full of pity. He was actually pitying me right now. After all I've done to him he's showing me pity. He's way too kind for his own good.

"Jimin stop... don't look at her with those eyes. She fucking kidnapped you" Jungkook half shouted.

"But baby she's showing remorse and she seems sincere so I can't even resist" Jimin said pouting.

"Well if you can't resist then get out of here and let me deal with Hwasa" Jungkook said with a straight face.

"But she's apologizing to me too so I gotta stay" Jimin said

"Just because she's begging doesn't mean she means it" Jungkook said almost shouting.

"But I do mean it" I said looking down.

"See she means it" Jimin said and I smiled a little.

"Hwasa Don't you dare smile at me. I'm only agreeing with you because you look sincere. It don't mean I forgive you. I may be kind and forgiving but you kidnapped me and put my life in danger knowing exactly well I was fucking pregnant. You fucking put my baby in danger Hwasa, I could have lost my baby because of you." Jimin said and I looked down in shame and embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry Jimin. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for all my doings. I regret it." I said.

"I'm only being nice because you're here paying your dues. You're paying for what you did to me. That's why I'm being nice. You don't know how much I wanna kill you Right now but I won't because I'm way to kind and loving for that." Jimin said.

"And this is when I hate your kindness because you wanna forgive people who don't deserve your forgiveness and kindness just yet." Jungkook said.

" I'm not forgiving her Jungkook." Jimin said.

"Hwasa, I acknowledge your apology and I can see that it's sincere but I still need to fully forgive you in my heart then I can actually tell you that I forgive you. I'm glad you're apologizing and showing remorse. Just give me time to actually forgive you." Jimin said. I smiled looking at him.

He's way too kinda and beautiful. He even has a beautiful soul. He's considering forgiving someone who did all these things to him. I feel so bad that I ever did all these things. An obsession will make you lose your shit for real. I even hurt Jimin and Jungkook because of jealousy.

"Thank you Jimin. And you too Jungkook. Thank you for coming out and listening to me. Thank you so much" I said to them.

"Well then I'm out of here" jimin said standing up and leaving Jungkook behind. After Jimin got out Jungkook looked at me.

" I know how to hold grudges unlike Jimin. And since he's failing I'll do it for him." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook please..." He cut me off.

"I should probably go to Jimin. Our baby that you could've killed is waiting for us at home" he said. I looked down feeling embarrassed for my doings.

Of course Jungkook would be the last to forgive me. I messed him and Jimin up and even seduced him by looking like Jimin. He surely hates me for that and like he said. He really can hold a grudge.

"Bye Hwasa" he said standing up and leaving me sitting down. At least I got a chance to apologize. The rest is up to them now.


"Seriously Jimin? Did you have to give her some hope?" Jungkook asked.

"Kookie don't shout at me" I said pouting.

"I didn't even raise my voice Jimin" he said slightly raising his voice.

"Well now you're raising your voice. I did what my heart told me to do at the time. She was sincere Jungkook and it's not like I forgave her. I just acknowledge her apology because I heard the words coming out of her mouth straight to my ears." I said defending my self.

"You have a good heart" Jungkook said.

"I knot that" I replied.

"And I love you for it. I love you way too much" he said.

"I know. Thank you babe" I said and he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I said I love you Jimin and I swear to God if you don't say it back I'll get so mad." Jungkook threatened

"What are you gonna do after getting mad?" I asked him while running my small hand down his abs and torso.

"Jimin I'm driving. Unless you want our baby to have no parents then you better stop doing that" Jungkook warned.

"But I want you" I said... honestly I was horny. I haven't had sex for a while now And I miss having Jungkook inside me. But maybe when we get home not now because I don't wanna be in an accident.

"I want you too baby. Tell you what, when we get home I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you" Jungkook said winking at me making me blush.

"And Jared will Watch Areum." I said smiling.

"Yeah...finally he's useful for something" Jungkook said and we laughed. Him and I were in a really happy space right now and I hope it stays it like that.

"You didn't say you love me though" Jungkook said.

"Oh Babe I love you so much" I said smiling.

"I love you even more baby" he said kissing my forehead while driving.


Here's a late update

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