Chapter 17

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Jimins's POV

I had just woken up as the sun was shining bright causing my eyes to flutter open...oh shit I was on the floor. I slept on the floor last night because I was crying so much. It all came flooding back. How I was talking to Kai who was already telling me how much he hates me. He said he was doing it all for his inheritance. That he doesn't give a fuck about me. That he hates me. That I'm just a stupid boy who looks like a street kid. He said the things I wear can never even match his standard. He insulted me for being gay. He broke me in only an hour of knowing me.

My phone rang 8 times before I answered. That was because Kai was yelling at me, telling me to answer or else he would break my phone. It was Jungkook. I know he heard me crying. I know he heard Kai shouting at me. He heard it all and right now I feel so embarrassed, should I though? Should I be embarrassed because I was getting shouted at for something I don't know?

I slowly got up from the floor. Damn my body hurts so much because of sleeping on the cold tiles. I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower. I stayed under the water for a while humming a song my mom used to sing to me. After a while I got out and went to look at my self in the mirror. Damn kid, I think you need some make up today. I said to myself, my face wasn't looking pretty at all. I looked tired and drained. Nothing make up and a smile won't fix.

So I did my whole hygiene routine and wore my clothes. I put on a little make up and glasses on my eyes.

"Glasses? No I'm overdoing it" I took of the glasses and took my bag heading downstairs. There's no way I'll have breakfast with the family. Not after yesterday.

" Good morning everyone" i said slightly bowing down as they were all seated around the table.

"Hey Jiminie, come have some breakfast" Mrs Kim said to me. I slowly shook my head smiling.

"No thank you Mrs Kim. I'm noy hungry and I'll get late for work" i said making up an excuse. I really don't think I'll ever be able to eat in front of Kai again. He really offended me by saying I'll get even more fat.

"Work? Who permitted you to go to work?" Mr Kim asked looking at me in some way I couldn't quite comprehend. I bit my lip looking down. God please they can't keep me from going to work. That would be the only thing to keep me sane.

" I'm sorry Mr Kim. I didn't think I needed permission because I was already working. May I go to work?" I ask swallowing a lump in my throat. He chuckled and I raised my eyes to meet his.

" You are not going to work. Quit your job because you're marrying into millions already. There's no need for you to even work." Mr Kim said. I looked at him with confusion in my face. Like what the fuck.

"I'm sorry Sir but I like to work for my money. I can't just quit my job like that. I need it to provide for my family"

"Like I said. We have money here, if you want some. Don't hesitate to ask. But make sure you quit." Mr Kim said. I looked at Mrs Kim for help but she looked away.

"Okay, I'll go resign in person Sir" I said to Mr Kim who immediately shook his head.

" Strip those corporate clothes and wear something comfortable. I'll be working from home today so you'll help me. Kai and my wife will go to work though." Mr Kim said. I wanted to argue but not finding the right words I just nodded and walked back upstairs. I got in my room then I let my tears fall.

"Oh my god, this will be worse than I thought". I said to myself. I plopped on the bed and took my phone. I need to talk to TaeTae. I miss him so much. I miss Jin Hyung, I miss Namjoon hyung, I Miss Hobi and Yoongi, I miss Ji-hyun and my parents. And I Miss Jungkook, maybe seeing his smile would make me forget my problems for a while. I took my phone and called Tae.

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