Chapter 32

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The seven boys, that being Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were sitter together in Jeon's house. They were drinks in front of them and they kept drinking and talking. Well Jimin was drinking water as per Jungkook's wishes.

"Okay okay that's enough chatting for the day. Why did you guys call us here?" Yoongi asked.

"Aish really Yoongi hyung? Didn't you miss me?" Jimin asked sulking. The guys hadn't seen each other for a while so that's why Jungkook wanted them to meet at his place. And they kinda wanted to deliver the news.

"I missed you Chimmy but we're very busy people" Yoongi said smiling his signature gummy smile.

"Okay first of all you two have no fucking business missing each other. Hyung you don't just tell my boyfriend you missed him in front of me. AND secondly. We called you here because we hadn't seen you in a while." Jungkook said making the guys laugh at his jealousy moment for a little bit.

"Well babies, now that we're all gathered here. Namjoon and i have some news to tell you guys" Jin said.

"You think this is the right time?" Namjoon asked Jin.

"Yes babe. It's the perfect time....Boys. Namjoon and I have decided to adopt a child." Jin sais dropping a bomb shell on the guys. Like they were all shocked.

" Oh my god Jin Hyung. That's... Wow very shocking and amazing. But...are you sure you're both ready for the baby?" Tae asked Jin Hyung who just smiled.

"Yes. It's not like I can bare a baby of my own so it's better we adopt. And we're gonna adopt maybe when the child is still small. That way he or she can grow up knowing us as the real parents." Jin explained.

"Yeah. Honestly we hope that you guys support us in this decision." Namjoon said.

"Of course Namjoon hyung. We all fully support you guys. " Hobi said and the guys chanted nodding in agreement. They will forever support namjin I'm every decision they take.

"Well congratulations are In order then." Yoongi said. The guys got up and hugged each other. It was a group hug but Yoongi was sitting down looking at them smiling. Well yeah him and physical contact don't get along sometimes.

" You think this is the right time to tell them?" Jimin whispered to Jungkook

"Yes baby. That's what we called them for. Don't be nervous okay?" Jungkook answered in a whisper. The guys heard them perfectly though.

"Okay talk to us boys" Namjoon said. He looked so respected and he was like a father figure to all the boys here. Just like Jin was like a mother figure.

" Well uhm...Jungkook and I...we uhm..." Jimin stuttered.

"We're gonna have a baby" Jungkook said looking at his hyungs. Who looked shocked.

"Wow. Seems like every Is adopting Tae, wanna adopt?" Hobi asked Tae laughing. Everyone Joined and Jimin just fiddled with his fingers feeling embarrassed to say. How would the boys look at him if he told them the truth? But it's not like he can hide it.

" Actually we're not adopting. Jimin is pregnant" Jungkook said. The guys looked at the small boy with wide eyes.

" What? Jimin you're carrying a baby In your stomach? How? You're a boy ." Jin asked.

Jimin now had to explain what the doctor told them at the clinic. After telling them everyone was shocked.

"Well so yeah that's the I have a little human growing inside me" Jimin said . Without warning Tae stood up and quickly gave Jungkook a punch on his face. And another one on his stomach. Jungkook groaned kneeling to the ground.

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