Chapter 18

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Jungkook's POV

I can't sleep...I'm trying but I can't. My heart is too heavy and I don't know why. I sighed getting out of bed. Hwasa was sleeping next to me. This girl has loved and stuck with me and my cheating. She loves me but unfortunately it seems like I've been leading her on.

After meeting Jimin I realized that I may not like Hwasa like I thought I did. I'm ending things with her. I'll tell her I need to figure my self out or something. She'll have to forgive me but I can't do this anymore. I smiled sadly and kissed her lips as she was asleep.

"Ahhh Eric" she moaned in her sleep and I quickly backed away. Did she just...? Fuck No she did not just moan another man's name while sleeping on my bed!. This fucking bitch. I'm here feeling sorry that I'll break up with her and already she is moaning a guy's name. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, I splashed water on my face then went back to my room to take my phone, Hwasa was still asleep

I went downstairs and sat on the couch. I dialed Jimins's number and it rang for while. He didn't answer though.
I called him again. He better answer because I'm not stopping at anything. I don't know anything about where his marrying into. I need to find out so that I'll help him.
I stopped calling and dialed a different number. That one was answered in a second.

"Boss? It's after hours you know?" He asked chuckling

"I know BamBam. But I need your help. I'll send you a number and I want you to trace where it is. This is a matter of life and death Man." I said. BamBam was my only option at finding Jimin since he didn't answer his phone.

"Okay send the number and I'll get on it" he dropped the call and I sent the number. After sending it I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I then put on my black tracksuits and a cap with black sneakers. I looked outside the window and there was light rain.

My phone buzzed and it was a message from BamBam with an address. This must be where Jimin is. I sent him a thank you text and took my car keys rushing to the car.

I'll go get Jimin no matter what. Come rain or Sunshine. But at this moment it's rain so yeah....I drove off the garage and off I went to this address. I was not speeding too much because the road was wet and I don't wanna get in an accident. I need to get my Jimin back.

After a while I arrived at the address. Fuck this house is big. As big as mine actually and I bet there's security in here. Okay maybe I didn't think this through. How would I even get in here because I can't just come up like.. what's up my name is Jungkook. I'm here to get Jimin. Okay whatever I'm here. There's no turning back. Right now anything can happen. I think I need some protection.

I sighed as I reached under my seat. My hand came in contact with the cold Steel and I pulled it out looking at it. I never use my gun. Its licensed and all but I just had it for the fun of it, but now I might just have to use it. I shut my eyes tightly and the image that came to mind was Jimins's eye smile. I slightly smiled. That's all the confirmation I needed. I'll get Jimin because my sanity depends on it. I got out of the car and walked around the house. Just to see how much security was here. Who the fuck leaves in such a huge house. Must be some rich fuck.

After scanning the house and not spotting anything weird I Felt like it was safe enough to sneak in...but I'll have to jump through the fence because I can't go to the gate. And that's what I did. Tucking my gun behind my back I started to climb through the fence jumped inside the yard. I looked around then I went to hide in another corner.

This house is so big. Where the fuck can Jimin be? God Gimme a sign please. I said looking at the windows. The rain was now pouring a bit heavily than before. I was wet and cold but I couldn't stop now. I was determined.

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