Chapter 53

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A YEAR LATER (forgive the time skip guys)

It was a year later and everything was okay. Jimin and Jungkook were okay but they were always on each other's throats. Jungkook was jealous of and protective of Jimin to a point where it got Jimin mad. That's why they'd fight. Jungkook treated Jimin like a fragile baby. Other than those small petty fights they were okay and happy. Their baby was growing and had became even cuter, just a year and some months old. He was the cutest thing both Jimin and Jungkook claim to have seen, well to Jungkook he's the second cutest because he said the first cutest person he'd ever seen was Jimin.

Jin and Rm had adopted a baby girl, she was just a year old and they were happy that she'd grow up knowing them as their parents. She may see when she's old that she's adopted but she's always gonna be their little girl. Her name was Kim Hye (which meant intelligence) she was a very cute baby girl who received lots of love from the rest of the boys.

Hobo and Taehyung were a bit different. They stayed together yes but they wanted no babies just yet. They only enjoyed being together and having each other only. Maybe when the time is right they'd both have babies, but for now they loved playing with their friends babies. They were very much in love and happy.

Yoongi and Lisa were still going. Those two fought a lot though. Not because they didn't love each other no. Lisa always visited her parents in Thailand and Yoongi would miss her to a point where he starts getting mad and scolding her to come back. Lisa had even moved in to Yoongi's apartment. Firstly it was closer to her workplace and secondly, who doesn't wanna live with their Boyfriend...I mean duh...but overall they were happy.

Jared moved out....yeah hearing people have sex almost each and everyday wasn't that much fun. He'd always complain about how loud they'd be when he tries to sleep so he chose to move out. Him and Jungkook were getting along fine though. He worked at Jungkook's company as a receptionist. They needed a good one since Jimin wasn't working there anymore.

Overall the boys were all happy, nothing was troubling them. They saw each other every week because they'd always meet at Jungkook's place. Yeah that was still always their hangout spot. Since they claimed that Jungkook has so much food in his fridge and it's like he never runs out.

Just like today.....

They were gathered and Jungkook's place. It was Jin, Namjoon, Hobi, Jungkook, Suga and Jared....Tae and Jimin went shopping. Like.... Taehyung literally dragged Jimin out for "shopping".

" Guys I just wanna make it special, make it a day he'll always remember." Jungkook said sighing. They were planning Jimins's birthday and since the last year wasn't that good. Jimin never celebrated his birthday party. This time Jungkook was going out of his way to make it special.

"Book a stadium for him then" Jin said

"Hyung no offense but are you out of your mind?" Jungkook asked shaking his head.

"What it's not like you can't afford it?" Jin said laughing his windshield laughter.

"Jimin is not a materialistic person, he just wants something from the heart. Booking a stadium for him would be taking it way to far. I could just book a restaurant instead." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook everyone does that. Come on think big" Yoongi said.

"Okay Min Yoongi genius jjang jjang man boong boong, what idea do you propose then?" Jungkook asked.

"Well I'm glad you asked Mr Jeon. I propose....nothing, like I literally have no idea. You're Jimins Boyfriend so you should know what to do" Yoongi said.

"So much for being a genius" Hobi said rolling his eyes.

"We could always buy him plushies. He'd love that" Namjoon said sipping on his cold drink.

"Remind me again how you have an IQ of 148? Areum's room is literally full of plushies that I buy for him and Jimin, if we get him plushies then it's just gonna be a normal day for him. He's turning 25. It's gotta be memorable" Jungkook said feeling trusfrated.

"Well what does Jungkook the second have to say?" Hobi asked laughing a bit.

"Okay uhm...Jungkook, which place does Jimin wanna go to the most?" Jared asked Jungkook.

"Bro Jimin wants to go everywhere" Jungkook answered

"Oh come on think carefully." Jared said.

"Uhm...okay maybe the top places would be Paris, Disney land and he always wanted to go to Hollywood as well, New York too. Oh and Mauritius too." Jungkook said.

"I didn't say tell me such many places. Jimin likes things way too much, make dinner for him and sit here with your baby. We'll sing for him and eat cake. It's that simple" Jared said leaning back on the couch.

"What the fuck man!? I thought you were getting somewhere" Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"I was getting somewhere but then Jimin has a lot of places he wants so see and now I don't even know if my idea was gonna be good." Jared explained.

"Just talk man" Jungkook said.

"Okay fine...choose any of the places he wants to go to. Have a weekend away with him. See the place with him and maybe book in a restaurant where you'll have decorations and all that shit that screams romance...then go back to your hotel and fuck the shit out of him. It'll be special to him because you took him to a place he's been wanting to visit." Jared said.

The guys nodded. They could see Jared's point. And it's not like Jungkook couldn't afford whatever Jimin wanted. The man has a black card for god's sake. He doesn't limit Jimins's spending.

" Yeah you're right....I know just what to do" Jungkook said

" what will you do?" Namjoon asked.

"I'll tell you when it's done" Jungkook said smiling.

"Wow, so much for a man who had Tae drag Jimin shopping because he wanted our help. Now that we've helped, you're not telling us what you'll do" Hobi said.

"I'll tell you guys later come on...but uhm...I can't take Areum-Byeol with if any of you loves me enough, can they take care of my baby.?" Jungkook asked pouting

"That face is cute only when Jimin makes it" Jared said

"I love Jimin so that's why I'm gonna take care of the baby together with Tae." Hobi said.

"Thank you Hyung. We'll only be gone from Friday to Monday. On Saturday it's Jimins's birthday so I'll do the restaurant thingy then.." Jungkook said.

"Sooo... where are you taking him?" Jin asked.

"You really have to tell us" Namjoon said as well.

"Just in case something happens we know where to look" Yoongi said too.

Jungkook laughed. Of course he knew they were just trying to get him to spill his plans.

"We're going to Tokyo"

Jungkook said with a smile planted on his face


Here's a late update...and I'm really sorry if the time skip was a big gap but I felt like the story wasn't gonna go anywhere if I kept writing in that pace. Forgive me sweet Jikookers. Love y'all ❤️

Borahae 💜

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