Chapter 37

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Jimins's POV

I was asleep even though the bed was not comfortable, I tried to breath in trough my nose but I inhaled a little bit of dust I guess. I shot my eyes open as I sneezed once, then twice. Then three times. I finally calmed down as I rose up from the bed yawning and rubbing my eyes.

I looked around and I realized I wasn't at my apartment, this was a big room which was old and dusty. This big bed which wasn't comfortable at all, only one window on the side of the window. The wooden door with small cracks, a small bedside table which had nothing on it I bet. The roof was old and looked like It had leaks when the weather was raining. Where the fuck am I?

I got up and walked towards the door to see what was happening. I was so scared but I had to try my best to be calm, I've seen the movies and pregnant girls who get hysterical and cry during pregnancy usually lose their babies...well I'm not a girl but either way.

As I was slowly walking to the door one of my foot got trapped and couldn't continue walking. When I looked down that's when I realized, my foot had a chain on it that lead to a metal pole on the corner of the room. I was chained up on my leg like a dog with rabies. Now it's really time to get hysterical.

"HELP!!! HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE." I shouted on the top of my lungs. There was silence after I stopped which could probably mean no one was close.

"ANYONE??!! HELP ME!!!HELP!" I shouted yet again after holding my breath, there was silence again and my tears fell down involuntarily. I sat on the floor and hugged my knees while weeping. My things are not even here, I can't contact any of my friends. I can't talk to Jungk....I can't talk to my parents. I can't even call the police department. Who would do this to me?.

After about 30 minutes of me crying and begging for held I realized it was no use. I got up from the dusty ground and sat on the bed just letting my tears fall.

There was some movement on the door like someone was opening the locks, after a few seconds the door pushed open and two guys came inside. They were both wearing all black and had masks on their faces.

"Well well well, Hello Jimin" one greeted, that voice? That's the same voice I heard before passing out.

" That shit we used to drug him was too strong, it knocked him out since yesterday evening till now. That's approximately 20 hours. We need to decrease the dosage" the other guy who I didn't know said that.

"What it's fun if he sleeps for long, imagine if he woke up after an hour. He'd make all that noise yesterday night" the guy with the familiar voice responded.

"What If he died?" The other guy asked.

"Then that would make our job easier. Damn I don't like you fucker" the guy I feel like I knew said again.

"Well the feeling's mutual" the other guy said.

After their small bickering moment they both looked at me. I wanted to talk and ask them questions but I was scared. What if they're here to kill me, cut off my head and dick and sell my organs....okay maybe I watch too much horror movies, I don't even like horror.

" Had a good night doll face?" The guy asked

"Where...where am I? What's going on?" I asked wiping my tears quickly. I bet my face had turned red by now.

"You're at your new home doll face. You better get used to staying here because you'll be here for a long time" he said.

"Why? Who are you guys? What will you do to me?" I asked him

"Slow down there doll face. We'll do anything we want with you. And your night in shining armor won't even know that you're not home." He said again. He digged in his pocket and took a phone. That looked exactly like mine. He opened it easily because it had no form of locking on it. He went to the camera and then gave it to the other guy and then he pulled me to the bed.

"Relax your face now honey, I want you to look beautiful because we're sending these to your boyfriend. We need to show him that you've moved on and you never really loved him" he said. Oh my god no. They're gonna make Jungkook hate me even more than he does? That means it was them with the first picture.

Now that I think about it, I realized that it was the guy from the mall at the picture, he was holding me close to him so that might have made it looked like he was kissing me. I don't know how they made us to be half naked though.

"Please don't, don't send the picture to Jungkook. He already hates me there's not need to make it worse please." I begged while crying. He wiped my tears and i flinched, before I could do anything else i felt lips me and a clicking camera sound.

"NO STOP!!" I pushed the guy away from me. I knew I was late though they had the picture already.

"You're a feisty one huh? Just my type" said the guy on the bed with me.

" Yoh? Fucker behave over here. I need to go and edit this picture and send it to Jeon." The other guy who was already by the door said. He got out leaving me with this other maniac who freaked me out just by the sound of his voice.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked him

"Because it pays a lot of money to see you suffer. If my boss is happy then I'm happy too. Oh and... you'll meet the boss tomorrow" he said as he stood up walking towards the door. He closed and locked me inside again.

Boss? Who is there boss?


I edited the picture that I was going to send to Jungkook. We've been watching him and Jimin for a while now. To be honest I'm so pissed that Jungkook immediately though Jimin was cheating without believing him.

Jimin is sweet and innocent but Jungkook disregarded all of that. I edited the picture making it Jimin to be half naked with that fucker in bed...I made it to be like they had a cover on their lower body though. Now it was time for me to leave a hint on the picture. Something which stupid Jungkook won't even see just like he didn't see it in the first pictures I sent him.

I made Jimins's waist in the picture to be small and have his natural abs. Jungkook should see that. Jimin is pregnant so he doesn't have his abs anymore and his stomach is a bit big now. Even on the last pictures I made Jimin have a small waist with abs but Jungkook didn't even realize. It's like he was always waiting for Jimin to cheat on him. He's so fucking stupid and when I see him I'll run in over with my car honestly.

After I was done editing the pictures I wrote a message under them

"Did you really think he'd be homeless when he has me?"

I then sent the pictures to Jungkook's number and as soon as they were delivered I took the sim card out of my phone and chewed it so that he can't call the number.

I hope this stupid ass sees what's going on and comes to rescue Jimin. I don't want him to suffer and Mr Ahn got me for this job because he trusts that I'll help Jimin while helping him to take Hwasa to a mental health hospital.
I owe my life to that man so I'll work hard to help him.

Here's an update for you guys.
Borahae 💜

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