Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

Great, I'm stuck in traffic like everyday on such an important day. Jimin is going to be starting out today as the receptionist of Jeon Corporate and I'm here... honking and hooting to other cars stuck in traffic just like I am...but whatever it's just Jimin right? Not the president ....Hmm honestly right now Jimin Feels more important than the president. I took my phone and sent a text to Hobi hyung:

I'm still stuck in traffic, show Jimin around the building and I'll be there in 30 minutes maybe.

                                                                               Hobi hyung
What a good day to be stuck in traffic Mr Jeon. Jimin is up in here looking like he's the boss. The kid can fucking dress, better than you CEO Jeon.

Whatever, I'll see him when i get there.

I texted back then played Stray kids- God's menu. I figured it'd be best to just relax since the traffic is too much. Songs kept on changing and sometimes when it bored me I'd change it myself then after 20 minutes the cars finally started to move. I fastened my seat Belt and drove to work.

I arrived there and it was like Everytime. " Morning Mr Jeon" something which I'd simply ignore. The moment my foot stepped inside the building that beautiful angel like man doll was smiling at the reception. He was talking to the phone. I immediately headed to the reception, something which I have never done. Usually I let the receptionist send my mails and messages. But him looking so beautiful there was so very inviting.

 But him looking so beautiful there was so very inviting

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(What the actual fuck...Jimin Park that in my ass...those are my words not Jungkook's ʘ‿ʘ)

I could actually feel him pulling me closer, it was like he's my magnet.

"Good Morning Mr Jeon" Jimin said looking professional

" Park Jimin. You the CEO" I said trying not to be obvious on complimenting him.

" And you Mr Jeon are very late. Here are your messages and a Mr Ahn called. I told him you'll call back". Jimin said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for the messages and tell Mr Ahn I died today, got in a car crash or something" I say dismissively looking at one of my messages.

" Hey don't say that Jungkook. You don't know how many people will be hurt if you die" he said frowning.

"Will Park Jimin be sad if I die, huh?" I asked teasingly.

" You're my boss and obviously I'll be sad if you die without giving me my first paycheck" he said smiling and i involuntarily smiled back. Even though I kinda hoped he'd say first kiss. Don't mind me though.

" So you care more about money more than you new boss?" I asked raising one eyebrow and I saw him getting flustered...great, I'm not the only one feeling... whatever it is that I'm feeling.

" Mr Jeon I'm pretty sure your office is lonely Without you. Go to work you're already late" he said demanding me. Why does he look so hot doing that?

"Okay Boss." ( I saluted him and he giggled cutely, YAH JIMINAH YOU'RE SO PRETTY. That was mind screaming. I smiled and walked to the elevator as some of my employees looked at me like it's my first time smiling....well maybe it is the first they see me smile. Jimin working here is a good thing with bad consequences. Now my employees will think I'm weak.)

I got in my office and plopped down on the chair. Right now it's time for me to slave around in my own office, I did a few papers sorting them out. I read through a few contract. Made some calls here and there then I sighed and went to sit on my couch. I was even feeling sleepy at this point.

" Sleeping on the job aren't we Mr Jeon?" I startled standing up quickly. I looked at Jimin who was standing leaning on the door with hands on his pocket. His body was manly and seductive but his face was a soft as cotton candy. I chuckled sitting upright.

"Well forgive me Boss" I laughed rolling my eyes and went to sit on my chair.

"So did you come here to spy on me? Just because I was sleeping on the job?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Not really... it's almost lunch time and I wanted to ask if I can go to the candy shop?". He said fiddling with his fingers. Oh no he's not going anywhere.

" Why do you wanna go to the Candy shop? For lunch?" I asked and he shook his head.

" No? I just wanted to see Eric and Jin Hyung" he said.

"Actually you can't Jimin. I was hoping you'd help me with something during lunch" I said looking away from him to avoid his gaze.

" Help you with what?" He asked....great now what lie will I come up with?

"Uh...the, my shelf? It's a bit messy so can you please arrange my documents and files for me? I'm sorry for the extra work, I know it wasn't in your contract."

" It's fine, I'm always happy to help whenever I can...but who's gonna look after the reception now?" He asked slightly pouting

"So cute" I mumbled and he widened his eyes looking at me, Oops...was I a bit loud?

" Mr Jeon I'm a man, I'm handsome not cute. Cute is for babies" he said slightly smiling and I suddenly got shy and looked down. What no!!! I'm the dominant male hear I can't be shy around Jimin. I never shy around even with Hwa....Oh shit Hwasa!!!

I think I've been flirting with Jimin for a bit I forgot about my gir...about Hwasa.

"Ah Jimin...just try to fix my shelf, I'll uh...get someone to watch the reception. Or maybe not. Its lunch time anyway. " I said and he nodded.

" But wait...does that mean I won't have lunch?" He asked pouting his sexy pinkish plump lips.

" What do you want to have for lunch" I asked.

"Hmmm, I want some pie, and a burger and Coke" he counted with his little fingers. I chuckled as I was already placing an order online. I can't let him work through lunch without even eating.

"Well there's my shelf Jimin-ssi" I showed him and he immediately went there and started working on it. I was also busy on my laptop and would sometimes steal glances at him which I now immediately regretted.

He was bending down and his ass was on full display, why is it so big? Why is it so plump? Why does it look so soft and squishy. I slowly raised my hand to touch it but stopped midway and retracted my hand folding it into a fist. I sighed realizing that my dick was hard as a rock by now. Fuck this Is the second time now that Jimin has made me hard by doing almost nothing. A lot of seduction has to happen for me to even get hard for Hwasa and fuck her. Now Jimin is getting me hard just by bending and displaying his ass.

Fuck I'm straight I shouldn't even be hard right now. Why Is Jimin making me feel like this.

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