Chapter 27

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Jimins's POV

Today was a work day and we were already at work. I was in the reception and Jungkook was in his office like all the time. At least I'd get to see him during lunch though. I was looking at my phone, watching and sliding on Jungkook's pictures and the ones we took together. Still can't believe he's mine and he took my v card.

"Mr Park Good Morning" a familiar voice said. I could recognize it without even looking up. Even his cologne gave him away. I've known this voice and smell for almost half my life.

"Kim Taehyung good morning" I said bowing as a sign of respect but then looked at him maintaining eye contact. He laughed in small and I giggled as I went around my Desk to hug him. We hugged a bone crushing hug. Actually he was crushing my bones. I haven't seen him for a week but he knew every detail of what was happening in my life as so did I. we're soulmates afterall.

"Ahh Jiminah I missed you so much. I missed your warm hugs" Tae said making me blush with a wide smile.

"I missed you too TaeTae. Are you here to see me or Hobi hyung?" I asked to make sure.

"I'm here to see you and you're gonna call Jungkook and tell him I'm taking you out." He demanded.

" But it's not lunch time yet Tae. I don't think he'll agree" i said feeling unsure.

"He's your man. Press his buttons" Tae said rolling his eyes. I took the reception phone and directed the call to his office.

" Hey baby, missing me already?" He asked on the other side as soon as he answered.

"Mr Jeon stop. What if it was someone important?" I said blushing at him words.

"You are the only one important, fuck the clients...okay maybe not fuck them but yeah, you're still important"  he said and I giggled.

"Uhm Jungkook? Tae is here. He wants to take me out and I haven't seen him in a week...can I go with him?" I asked in a small cute voice. He hardly says no to that.

"But baby... who's gonna watch the reception? And I'll miss you during lunch. Why do you have to go?" He asked in a sulking voice. I can already see his doe eyes shaped like puppy eyes in my imagination.

"Babe please? I'll make it up to you" I said using the oldest trick in the book hoping he'll fall for it.

" Argh fine then. but Please behave Jimin. Tell Tae to keep his hands on himself also. He's too touchy with you and I don't like it as your boyfriend. Heck I never liked it before I was your boyfriend. Y'all keep your distance from each other and avoid skinships" he said with a bossy tone.

" What? Jungkook he's my best friend. Of course we touch and hug even kiss sometimes. On the forehead" I answered him suppressing a laugh at his jealousy.

"Jimin that forehead is mine. You are mine and  nobody but me has to touch you like that. Behave get it?"

"Oh my god fine. bye now" I said dropping the call. My personal phone rang and it was Jungkook. Shit he will scold me for just hanging up.

"Park Jimin are you fucking kidding me??? You fucking hang up without saying you love me now? " He asked half shouting.

"I'm sorry babe. I love you" I said giggling.

"Good. I love you more baby. Have fun okay?"

"Thank you" I said then hung up after that. Tae took my hand and we went to his car. We got in and he started driving.

"So where are we going?" I asked him smiling.

" I'll take you to the candy shop." Tae laughed wiggling his eyebrows. I smiled because that means I'll see Jin Hyung and Eric hyung.

"I'm so happy that you're happy Jimin. Like Jungkook brings out the best in you. It makes me happy. I love you so much okay? Please tell me if he mistreats you by any chance okay? But I doubt he will." Tae said holding my hand like all the time when he drives.

" He makes me happy TaeTae. I'm also glad that Hobi hyung makes you so happy. He even made you forget about your first love" I said smiling.

"Who said I forgot about my first love?" Tae said furrowing his eyebrows. I looked at him.

" What do you mean? I thought you were over them? Who is he or she anyway? You never told me." I asked.

"He's a boy. A beautiful boy but I'm not telling you his name yet, maybe one day I'll tell you. But not now" Tae said still focused on the road. I brushed it off and we for till we arrived at the candy shop.

We got out of the car and went straight to the offices in the back. First we got into Eric's room. He opened for us and we went in. A surprise was there...well it shouldn't be though.

Hwasa was there sitting on the chair with an evil smile as she looked at me. I looked away from her.

"Eric Hyung Hey" I said giving him a brief hug because the bitch was glaring at me. We all greeted each other but the way Hwasa was looking at me made me very uncomfortable. I was not even enjoying being here. I felt like I was in danger.

" So when are you and Jungkook getting married huh?" Eric Hyung asked in a teasing tone. I blushed and looked away from Hwasa.

"It's still early hyung stop it. we have to go see Jin Hyung now" I said looking down.

"Don't forget to knock. Namjoon is there so maybe they're fucking you know?" We made disgusted faces as we went out. After we got out of the door a hand grabbed my arm. I turned and it was Hwasa.

"Hwasa Don't even think about it" Tae said to my defense

"I just wanna talk Jimin, please?" She said pleading. Her face looked sincere so maybe I should let her speak.

"It's fine Tae. Go I'll catch up to you" I said to Tae. He eyed Hwasa then walked towards the Jin's office.

" What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Don't be so comfortable Jimin baby. I'm coming for my boyfriend." She said with an evil smile.

"What? Oh my god...wait let me go and let Eric hyung know that you're coming for him." I said sarcastically. She grabbed my body quickly stopping me.

"Leave Eric out of this You bitch" she half shouted.

"You're the bitch here Hwasa, stay away from me and Jungkook. You don't wanna know how crazy I can be." I said wiping all signs of cute Jimin on my face. She just looked at me up and down and went back to Eric's office

I chuckled going to see my hyungs too. I can't have this girl thinking I'm some walk over toy. For Jungkook I'll fight tooth and nail. Maybe I'll fight tooth only because he's already mine anyway so take that bitches.

Jungkook and I are never breaking up because of Hwasa or anyone else.

We're each other's hearts, sanctuaries and love.

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