Chapter 34

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Jungkook's POV

I was sitting on the couch and Jimin was sittting on the opposite couch. He was busy laughing and smiling with his phone. While he was feeding himself apples on peanut butter. He looked so happy and his eye smile made me happy too. But I just couldn't help but be jealous that he's not giving me attention.

"Baby? Who are you talking to on the phone?" I asked him. He widened his eyes on me and slightly smiled.

"I'm watching Cat videos" he said stuffing an apple on his  mouth. I smiled a bit but I felt like he was lying for a reason.

"Cat videos huh? Can I watch with you?" I asked pouting a lil bit. He smiled standing up. He came to sit beside me on the couch and laid his head on my thighs. Now I had his phone on my hand and I was scrolling on the videos.

"You really wanna watch cat videos? Not even boxing videos?" He asked me with his eyebrows furrowed. He was so cute I just kissed his forehead and smiled.

"Yeah I wanna watch....-" I didn't finish my statement as a WhatsApp notification from Yoongi hyung popped in the screen. I looked at Jimin who was slightly uncomfortable now. My eyes focused on the message and I bit my lip in anger.

"I really hope we can hide this from him Chim"

Yoongi and Jimin are hiding something from me?

"Jimin? What is this about?" I asked. I didn't wanna jump into conclusions yet so I figured it's best to ask him.

"Ah... nothing. Yoongi and I were just talking." He said.

"About what? What are you hiding from me?" I asked.

"We're not hiding anything from you. Uhm...Yoongi told me he's uhm, crushing on Hobi's sister. He then asked me to keep this from Hobi because he's scared he'll get mad" jimin explained. I looked at him as he avoided eye contact with me. He was lying to me. I felt anger taking over me and I pushed Jimin off me and he fell on the floor with his back.

"Ahhh Jungkook, you're hurting me.!!" He yelled out trying to get up from the floor.

"And you think hiding shit from me won't hurt me? Wow Jimin you're nice, keep going" I said. (See what I did there)

"Jeon Jungkook?" He called out. I just clicked my tongue and walked away after throwing his phone to him. Gosh I've never been so angry. Right now I felt so tempted to go and punch Yoongi in the face....but I don't even know what they're hiding from me. Gosh maybe it's nothing. Suddenly I regretted my sudden outburst.

I even pushed Jimin down what If he fell with his stomach and hurt our baby. Damnit I'm so stupid. Jungkook ie Pabo, Jimin must hate me right now, but I won't apologize until I know what he's hiding from me.

I got in my car and went out for a drive to cool down.

Jimins's POV

"Yoongi Hyung? He was so angry he even pushed me to the floor." I explained crying my lungs out.

"Shhh Jimin don't cry, Please I don't wanna see you cry." Yoongi said trying to calm me down. We were talking on a phone call.

"But Yoongi...what if Jungkook hates me now because he..." Yoongi cut me off.

"Jimin stop, Jungkook would never hate you even if he tried so hard. Stop crying I'm coming over there" he said.

" No don't come. I don't wanna make things worse" I said.

"I said I'm coming" Yoongi said then he dropped the call. I laid on the couch and cried out, I can't believe Jungkook pushed me and I fell on the floor.

Maybe I should have been honest, maybe I should've came clean to him.

After 15 minutes the door opened and Yoongi came in with a big box of pizza. I involuntarily smiled seeing his gummy smile that made him look like a cuts cat.

"Gosh you look so ugly, why did you cry so much?" Yoongi said. I smiled through my tears as he came to hug me on the couch. Our hug lasted for a while then we both pulled out.

"I'm gonna kill Jungkook of this happens again" Yoongi said wiping my tears and kissing my forehead.

"I guess I should stop hiding things from him" I said sadly.

"Well we can't really tell him Jimin. I know he'll fucking kill me" Yoongi said. I smiled sadly taking a slice of pizza and eating it.

Yoongi stayed with me for an hour and it was finally time for him to leave.

"Will you be okay if I leave?" Hyung asked me.

"Don't worry about me I'm a big boy" I said smiling. He laughed and cupped my face.

"Yeah you really are a big boy. And I hope big boy is treating you good in there. Hey there little man, be good to Daddy okay? When you get out of there you'll see how pretty your daddy is hmm? Your dad is scary though." Yoongi said talking to my stomach. I just giggled and he raised his head up looking at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said and I nodded, he pulled me into a warm hug then he kissed my forehead.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

We both got startled and looked towards the entrance, Jungkook was there looking so angry. I've never seen him like that and it scared me.

"Kookie? You scared me, how long have you been there?" I asked and he was just looking at Yoongi.

"I asked what the fuck is going on here and one of you better answer me" Jungkook said emotionless.

"Nothing is going on, Jimin was just sad after you left so I came to comfort him." Yoongi explained.

"And it just had to be you, what a coincidence" kookie said sarcastically. His fists were even rolled up and his knuckles had turned white.

"Jungkook? Are you trying to accuse me of something?" Yoongi asked.

"Why would you say that? Do I have a reason to accuse you of something Yoongi?" Jungkook asked back.

"If you got something to say then be upfront" Yoongi said.

"What are you doing with Jimin behind my back?" Jungkook asked, Yoongi smiled a bit looking at Jungkook.

"Nothing. He's just helping me figure my feelings out." Yoongi explained...shit that didn't come out right, what will Jungkook's reaction be to this.

"Don't tell me you silly crush on Jimin is back Yoongi. I'm gonna fucking kill you right here, right now." Kookie said. Yoongi stood up taking his phone and went to stand Infront of Jungkook.

"I once told you, it's not a crush anymore" Yoongi said then he waved at me as he got out of the house. God I'm so glad Jungkook didn't react badly and punch him.

"It's not a crush anymore? What the fuck does that mean Jimin?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. I never even knew that Yoongi once had a crush on me

" Jimin you better not be fucking with Yoongi behind my back. You have no idea how crazy I am, I'll skin you alive you get that?" He asked. I felt scared because that actually felt like a threat But I nodded either way.

" have you eaten? I don't want you to starve my baby." He said. Okay that's a quick change of conversation.

"Yeah I'm full" I said

"Uhm... I'm going to sleep over at Tae's apartment today" I finished off. He glared at me without talking, Oops maybe it wasn't the perfect timing.

"Forget I said anything" i said yet again. He shook his head walking up the stairs.

Wow, honestly I can't believe Jungkook thinks I'd fuck with his friend behind his back, like what the hell does he take me for, I'm not a slut.
I took my phone and texted Yoongi that I won't be able to come over to his place.

It's fine, there's still next time. Good night and delete the texts

I deleted the text after reading them. I can't be caught slacking again.

Hey babies. It's boring but pretend it's not please
Borahae 💜

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