Chapter 43

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A week later

Jimin has been okay living at Yoongi's. His friends come to see him all the time. Yoongi bought him a phone and he calls his parents and brother all the time. He didn't want to worry so he never mentioned being kidnapped but he did mention that he was pregnant. They said they're okay with it. They were happy even though Mr Park still needed to process how a man can get pregnant. With the help of smart Ji-hyun he is getting accustomed to the news.

Jimin went downstairs as he heard the noise. He was sure that his friends have arrived. They're voices were lower than usual though like they were sad or something.

"Hey guys. What's going on?" Jimin asked as soon as he arrived.

"Oh hey Jimin. Are you okay? How's the baby?" Tae asked pulling Jimin to sit next to him.

"The baby and I are both okay. What were you talking about?" Jimin asked trying to catch up.

"Ahh nothing really..." Jin got cut off by Namjoon.

"Jungkook's gone." Namjoon said. Jimin looked at him confused. He didn't understand but after a while it all clicked.

"He's dead?" Jimin asked in a small voice with the fear of the following answer.

"What? No! He's gone like he left." Yoongi explain.

"Oh...of course I never thought Jungkook was dead. So where did he go to?" Jimin asked mentally scolding himself for being a Pabo Infront of his hyungs.

"He went to Russia. We don't know what for but I don't think he's coming back anytime soon." Hobi said.

Jimin nodded slowly. He didn't say anything after that. He wasn't hurt at all. He didn't feel sad at all. Rather he was happy. He could focus on fixing himself without  Jungkook. He could focus on his baby without anyone being there to cramp his space. He thought Jungkook leaving was a good opportunity for him to work on himself. Get a break from Jungkook.

" Are you sad? You wanna cry and throw tantrums?" Hobi asked looking at Jimin.

"Actually I wanna laugh and throw a party. Jungkook not being here is exactly what I need right now. Him and I both need space. This is just perfect." Jimin explained.

"So...are you gonna move on now?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah I will". Jimin answered.

"Move on with someone else?" Jin Hyung asked too.

"Dating someone else would be like I'm using him to heal or as a rebound. I wanna heal myself not be healed by another Boyfriend. What if he leaves me too?" Jimin said

"Jungkook didn't leave you. He did this because he knew he had to. For you and our baby." Tae said to Jimin.

" Russia though? I think Jungkook is taking is too far. He could have went somewhere else." Jin said.

" This has Jungkook's father written all over it. Jungkook ran away from home back then when he had to go to Russia. So obviously it's time now for him to go." Yoongi said.

"When did he leave anyway??" Jimin asked.

"Yesterday morning. He texted me today saying he has arrived and that I must take care of you." Yoongi said.

"And boy did he choose the wrong person for that" Tae said laughing making the others join in too

" Don't be a hater Tae, you're just jealous that Jungkook trusts Jimin with me more than you." Yoongi replied

"No I'm worried because I know you might just take care of him using your dick. He's pregnant with someone else's baby Yoongi." Tae said back to Yoongi.

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