Chapter 39

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Jimins's POV

"LET ME OUT!!!AT LEAST GIVE ME FOOD AND WATER FOR FUCKS SAKE I'M PREGNANT" I yelled furiously. I've been here for three days and honestly I don't remember eating anything. They're cruel for preventing a pregnant person from eating.

I plopped down on the bed as tears fell from my eyes. I want food and something to drink. I'm really thirsty and hungry now.

After about five minutes I heard someone fiddling with the locks. The opened and a guy covered in face mask entered with a plastic in his hand. He closed the door and locked it then he came towards me.

"Hello Jimin, are you okay?"" He asked. I just stared at him blankly. What does he expect?

"So you won't talk to me?" He asked yet again and I kept quite still. He laughed a bit.

"Okay I guess I'll have to take this food and water away then" he said turning around. No way I'm really hungry.

"I'M OKAY.... I'm okay" I answered him as quick as lightning. He laughed and turned to me.

"You're so cute." He said sitting on a wooden chair in front of me. He took out a full meal which was in a container. Then he took ramen for himself. He then gave me water too.

"Eat up fast. I'm not supposed to be feeding you." He said.

"Then...why are you feeding me?" I asked him confused.

"Do you really wanna die or lose your baby?" He asked.

I shook my head no. He chuckled and shook his head.

"How are you gonna eat with your mask on?" I asked him. He looked at me tilting his head.

"Is that your way of trying to see my face? So you can report me to the police when you get out of here?" He asked.

"No no no. I was just trying to get you comfortable...never mind. Thank you for the food." I said as I put a full spoon in my mouth.

The guy in front of me cleared his throat and removed the mask that was covering his face. I stop chewing and looked at him. I'm pretty sure he wasn't supposed to do that.

"Swallow your food" he commanded. I swallowed quickly and chocked. I coughed a few times then it went away.

"Let me guess. You didn't expect this face." He said.

"Well I...maybe. I thought it would be someone ugly with a scar on his cheek and scary eyes. Just like in the movies" I said shyly looking down.

"Well you watch too much movies Jimin" he said. I just smiled awkwardly not knowing what to say. The man dug in his plastic again and came back with a knife which immediately freaked me out. I gasped loudly.

"You don't think I'll feed you then kill you right? If anything we'll both die just because I broke a rule. We were supposed to starve you." This guy said. I relaxed a bit when he said that. He took an apple and a small peanut butter container. Okay now I wanna eat that.

" I may have gone overboard with spying on you. I know you like peanut butter on apples" he said smiling.

I involuntarily smiled back too. He really was sweet and kind.

"My baby like that. I don't like it" I said hiding my shy smile.

"Finish up the food. Then I'll give you your cravings" when I heard that I started eating. He was also eating his noodles in silence. I ate until I was done. Honestly I wan so full and there's no room for anything else. But I can make room for my cravings.

" Thank you for the food." I said. He smiled then cut of a slice of the apple and dipped it in the peanut butter, then he bought it too my mouth.

"Here open up" he said. I smiled shyly

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