Chapter 51

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Jungkook's POV

A month has passed with Jared being here with me and Jimin. To be honest I'd be lying if I said he's done something to piss me off, all he does is watch TV, help Jimin with cleaning, something I don't usually do. He's a great help here and he's a good guy. But I won't let my guard down just yet.

I walked in the lounge and Jared was playing with Areum-Byeol. I smiled a bit but collected myself.

"Is he giving you any trouble?" I asked as soon as I sat down.

"No not really, he's a good boy and he's cute just like Jimin. Look at his cheeks, they're so chubby" Jared said. I poked my inner cheek with my tongue. I really hate it when someone else compliments my boyfriend, I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself.

"Hmm yeah...he does look like Jimin a bit" I said.

"Did you have something to say to me maybe? Or maybe it's time?" Jared asked. I looked at him confused.

"Time for what?" I asked him.

"For you to kick me out of your house" he said.

"I just...I came to offer you a job. I see that you being here all day exhausts you. You literally have nothing to do except play with Areum. So if you want a job then...yo can work in my company" I said not even looking at me.

"Jungkook hyung?" Wow, that's the first time he calls me hyung. Maybe Jimin taught him that. I looked at him.

"Thank you. For the job offer and letting me stay here, I know you probably hate me Because I'm an illegitimate son but I don't hate you. I wanna get to know you better. Right now I know you through Jimin." He said sadly.

"Jared I don't hate you. You just came as a shock to me that's all. You seem like a cool Kid" I said to him.

"Kid? I'm only a year younger bro" Jared said with a smile.

"You're still younger than me so you're a kid." I said.

"And maybe you do look like me a little bit" I finally admitted. Cause damn the brother has my looks.

"Yeah I think we look alike too." He admitted too. After that we just sat in silence non of us saying anything.

The door opened and those crazy fuckers I call friends entered. That's what they always do. Come in without knocking.

"Are you guys ever gonna learn to knock?" I asked.

"Well its too late now we might die anytime" Yoongi hyung replied.

"Hmm are the Jeons having their moment?" Tae asked wiggling his eyebrows making a funny face.

"Taehyung just shut up. Jared and I don't hate each other so we're allowed to sit and talk." I defended

"I guess we all have to give Jimin his money" Jin said.

"Money? What money?" I asked them.

"Well we had a bet that if you guys get along after a month we'll give Jimin money, we all said you'll hate Jared forever and Jimin said you'll get along with him" Namjoon explained. Damn these fools.

"Wow you guys. I can't believe you bet on my and Jared. I wasn't gonna hate him forever guys he's family no matter what. Just because dad cheated on mom doesn't mean he's too blame for that." I explained.

"Let me see my baby" Hobi said placing a shopping bag on the table. That's when I realized they're all carrying shopping bags.

"What's with the shopping bags?" I asked them.

"Ahh nothing, we felt generous so we got some gifts for baby Areum." Yoongi said.

"It's not even his birthday you guys are spoiling him way too much." I said. It's not the first time they bought him gifts.

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