Chapter 33

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The cries were loud and no matter how much Mr Ahn tried to ignore them he couldn't. He slowly went up to his daughter's room and found her crying her lungs out on the bed. There were used tissues all over and her beautiful daughter was a mess.

"Hwasa? What's going on? Talk to Daddy" Mr Ahn said pulling Hwasa for a tight hug. The girl who had been waiting for a shoulder to cry on immediately let it out.

"He made Jimin pregnant. He... What- am - I gonna do?" Hwasa hick upped while crying.

"What are you talking about baby? Tell me everything" her dad said.

" Okay uhm...well me and Jungkook broke up. Actually he broke up with me because he was in love with a boy. Now he made that boy pregnant. Dad I've been with Jungkook for 3 years and he never said he wants babies with me. How can he do this to me?" Hwasa cried out.

"I'm so sorry baby, shhhh I'm sorry....but wait? Aren't you dating Eric right now?" Mr Ahn asked getting confused.


"But...Hwasa you're rich enough, You Don't need Jungkook and his money" Mr Ahn said.

"I fucking do, and I'll get him for this. I'll make him regret this and take me back." Hwasa said wiping her tears and looking determined.

"I'm afraid to ask but how will you do that?" Her dad asked. Hwasa smiled like a lunatic girl.

"Well father I've been thinking about it since I found out. After listening in on their talk about Jimin getting pregnant I had plan. First I'll find a way to make sure that Jungkook believes the baby is not his. After that they'll be fighting right?" The father nodded.

" I thought about causing an accident to kill Jimin but no... that's too dangerous and harsh right? I will kidnap Jimin and make Jungkook believe that his faithful Boyfriend is with another guy. I know that will kill him inside. He'll break up with Jimin and want me back. Obviously i never gave  him problems and I always forgave his cheating. He'll love me even more" Hwasa explained now feeling very happy and satisfied with her plan.

Mr Ahn looked at his daughter, he was very said. Was it the passing of Hwasa's mom that made her like this? She wasn't normal, she was crazy. She should be locked up.

"So, Daddy? Will you help me with my plan?" Hwasa asked her zoned out father bringing him back to reality.

" Uhm yeah sure. Just this once okay?" He said

Hwasa jumped up and down on the bed then she cheerfully hugged her father.

Mr Ahn knew what he was doing. He was gonna "help" her daughter in another way. He'd support her in the kidnapping and whatever but he'd be collecting proof that his daughter is really psychotic. That way he can have enough evidence to have his precious locked up either in a mental hospital or a jail. He could see that Hwasa was obsessed and it was dangerous even for those not involved at all.

"You're the best dad ever" Hwasa Said happily.

"I'm doing this for you Hwasa" Mr Ahn said smiling sadly.

"Thank you so much Dad... Now let me stop sulking and go out to hunt men who'll help me with this job" Hwasa said. Fixing herself.

"Yeah I'll look for them too" Mr Ahn said raising hope in his daughter.

"Ahhh Jungkook will be mine" Hwasa skipped happily singing and dancing as she disappeared out of the room.

"Ahhhh honey, If only you were here. You always knew what to do" Mr ahn said. Deep down he was talking to Hwasa's mom who wasn't there. She had long passed on.

Mr Ahn went to his study and got on a call, he knew he had to get one of his most trusted men to help Hwasa while spying on her and collecting evidence at the same time.

He really hoped his plan would work out and not his daughters plan. He didn't like Jungkook but he knew that under all those Tattoos and piercings. He was just a small kind boy who needed happiness. And it seemed that Happiness was his boyfriend.

This is a short update but I'll update again tomorrow, enjoy you lovely babies 💜💜💜

This is a short update but I'll update again tomorrow, enjoy you lovely babies 💜💜💜

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"What's up daddy?" Gosh I'm literally going crazy over this picture.

"What's up daddy?" Gosh I'm literally going crazy over this picture

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Why the fuck is he so....cute and handsome and pretty and Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....I wasn't screaming.

Credits to the owner

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Credits to the owner. I love this fanart.💜💜🌟


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