Chapter 8

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"i dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room"

Jungkook's eyes immediately darted to Jimin. Making Jimins's heart skip a bit.

Jungkook's eyes remained on Jimins's lips that were slightly parted, they were pinkish and looking so tempting. Jungkook was bought back to Earth by Hwasa who was looking at him confused. Jungkook slightly smiled and kissed Hwasa's cheek.

" No, no ,no. That's no the kiss we were looking for. And are you sure Hwasa is the most attractive person here?" Yoongi asked amused by the Jungkook was looking at Jimin. Yoongi and Hobi immediately figured out who Jungkook wanted to Kiss. Heck even Tae and Rose saw it too. He wasn't that discrete about it anyway.

"Yes Hwasa is attractive Yoongi hyung" Jungkook said.

"But Is she the most attractive?" Hobi asked amused too.

" Can we play already?" He said spinning the bottle and it landed on Jimin...hmm fate really had to plans huh?

" Jimin, truth or dare? " Jungkook asked.

" Uhm dare?" Jimin said in a an asking manner making everyone laugh at his cuteness.

I dare you to kiss me. Well of course Jungkook couldn't say that. But he really wanted to feel his lips on Jimin.

" I uhm...dare you to...uhm I don't know. Can anyone else dare Jimin?" Jungkook asked and Hobi immediately raised his hand.

"Mochi, I dare you to sit on Jungkook's lap for the following two rounds." Every one was silent. Jimin was shocked at Hobi's dare.

" Hobi hyung? Why did you choose something kinda sexual for me?" Jimin asked feeling shy.

" Oh come on Jimin do it" Tae hyped Jimin up. Jimin giggled covering his face with his little hands making Jungkook's heart flutter. Kook was more than happy for Jimin to sit on top of him....what no he wasn't!he has a girlfriend. Fuck I almost forgot. Jimin got up and went to Jungkook. He slowly and shyly sat on Jungkook, who was looking at Jimins firm fat ass getting settled on his thighs.

He was tempted to close his eyes but he saw how Hwasa was looking at him.

" Guys this game Is not fair" Hwasa said.

"It's not in the rules" Hwasa continued feeling mad.

Jimin sighed then answered Hwasa.

" Honey, it's truth or dare and there are only two rules. Rule number one: there are no rules.
Rule number two: if you think there are rules, read rule number one".  Jimin said sassily, impressing Jungkook and everyone else. No one has ever put Hwasa in his place, and the only reason why Hwasa kept quite is because Jimin Is keeping her secret about Eric.

" That's exactly how I raised you Chim Chim" Tae said giving a proud dad smile to Jimin.

" We're the same age Tae" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

The game continued but Jungkook was just busy looking at Jimins's back. Even his back was sexy, Jungkook's eyes darted to Jimins's thighs and he bit his lip looking at them. Why do they have to be sexy? Jimins's hands were on top of his thighs. Jungkook's hand went straight to Jimins's as if it was drawn by a magnet.

Jungkook held Jimins's hand making the smaller boy freeze, he started comparing their sizes and chuckled at how Jimins's fingers were short and chubby. Unlike his which were long time slender with veins popping out. He kept playing with Jimins's fingers.

"JUNGKOOK!!" Hwasa shouted to get Jungkook's attention. Jungkook immediately dropped The smaller hand like it was burning him.

" Sorry, your hand is just..." Jungkook tried to explain.

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