Chapter 1

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Jimin was pacing up and down in his bedroom. He was dressed and ready for his interview at Jinie's Candy shop. Well it sells and make candy, cakes and you get all things sweet. If it's sweet, you get it. Jimins's phone rang disturbing his pacing. He took it and answered

"KIM TAEHYUNG!! would you hurry up? I don't wanna be late for my interview!". He said on the phone but the said Kim Taehyung just laughed at Jimins's panicking state.

"Aish jiminah, you still have an hour left, and the drive to that place is only 20 minutes. Calm down I'll be there in a second". Taehyung said trying to calm his friend.

Jimin sighed and nodded forgetting that he was on a phone call and Take couldn't see him.

"Tae Tae, you'll find me by the gate." He said taking his file with necessary documentation.

"Jiminah. I said we're not late" Tae whined with his deep voice. Jiminie giggled cutely while getting out of the house not forgetting to lock. He hung up the call without answering and walked In the corridor.

" Ah Sungwoon hyung. Good morning" he said cheerfully greeting his neighbor. Sungwoon just smiled looking at this cute fluffy boy.

" Jiminie good morning, you look good. Where are you  going?" He asked raising his eyebrows

"Interview. But I'll tell you about it when I come back. Bye Sungwoon hyung, TaeTae is waiting for me" (he said waving and raising the pace on his short legs. He rushed into the elevator and it took him to the ground. When he arrived at the gate, Tae had just parked the car. He rushed inside and sank on the passenger seat)

"Well hello to you too Chim Chim" (Jimin giggled rolling his eyes. He had just spoken to this alien but he was greeting him again.  "Tae I was talking to you just a minute ago on the phone"

"And you didn't greet me even over the phone. Do you really not care how your soulmate's night was?" The taller asked sulking at Jiminie

" ah Taehyungie, sorry I must have forgotten to greet. How are you?? Did you sleep well? No bad dreams?"

"I'm fine Jiminie, I slept well and I had no night mares because the dreamcatcher you gave me helps me" Taehyung answered slightly smiling at this fluffy boy Infront of him.

"You know this job will suit you. I mean you practically look like candy, I could eat you up right now" Taehyung said and Jimin just giggled covering his face with his small hands.

"Aish TaeTae...just drive please. I wanna be early to make a good first impression." Taehyung took one of Jimins's hand and held it with his free hand while driving with the other one. That had become a habit. Jimins's hands were small and short and chubby so he really enjoyed having them against his long fingers. They drove while jamming to PSY - Gangnam style.

Tae always used that song to Cheer Jimin and himself. Only because Jimin looked so cute when he danced and bopped his head to this song. They sang along while making jokes along the way. Soon they arrived at the Shop and both got out of the car at the same time. They stood beside the car looking at the shop, while Jimin hesitated to go inside.

"Jiminah, good luck. But I really don't think you need it anyway. I'll wait for you right here okay?"

"Gomabda Taehyungie, I'll be back soon." He waved as he entered the shop. He headed to a worker there and asked to be shown the managers office. When he was directed he then went there and knocked twice.

"Come in" he heard a voice commanding him on the other side. He pushed the door open and went in. His eyes landed on a hot guy who was sitting on the chair while playing with his phone.

He was nervous but he had to speak right? " Hello, I'm Park Jimin. I- I was called for an interview so I'm guessing you must be Mr Kim Soekjin?"

"Kim Soekjin? Oh you wish I was. Sit down" Jimin sat on the opposite side of the table and fiddled with his fingers under the table.

" Well Park Jimin. My name is Eric. Jin Is out so he asked ke to take over this interview. And quite frankly...I'm tempted to hire you right now."

" Oh? Uhm... I'd rather get the job fair and square Sir"

"Call me Eric hyung...Sir is too formal. I don't even work here i just help out here and there." Eric said taking some file and started looking at Jimin.

"Let's get it then Jimin... what made you choose our shop? There are many shops here in Seoul. Why this one?"

" Uhm...well this is really the most successful one so far so I really wanted to be part of it..since it is still growing"

Eric nodded in approval....well he kept the questions coming and Jimin answered them all logically and the right way. After about 10 minutes of asking the Questions Eric had covered everything Jin said he must ask. Jimin Qualified for the job after all.

" Oh well Park Jimin... don't call us, we also won't call you. I had high hopes when you came here but..." Jimin sighed looking down, he could feel his eyes stinging with tears but he held them back. I mean it wouldn't be his first time not scoring the job.

".... You really proved me right Mr park, you're hired and I'm sure Jinnie is gonna be even more excited when he sees you. He might just hate the fact that you're his competition because you're very pretty, and so is he..he is world wide handsome".

" Thank you but...please back up...did you say I'm hired?

" Yes... Tomorrow please report for work. You'll also sign a contract with Mr Kim Soekjin because he'll be here."

Jimin smiled widely showing his eye smile.

"Whoa..." Eric said...he was looking at this cute boy in front of him, he didn't think smiling would make him even more cuter.

" Thank you Sir...I mean Eric Hyung. I'll report for duty first thing in the morning. Please enjoy the rest of your day hyung" he said giving a firm handshake to Eric and smiled one more time. He then made his way out of the shop going to find Tae.

" Chim Chim tell me some good news" Tae said rushing to Jimin. The shorter just smiled widely and that was enough confirmation for Taehyung. He picked up the fluffy boy and spun him around.

" Ahhhhh Taetae put me down, I'll be dizzy" he said giggling. Tae laughed together with him and put him down. Kissing his forehead, it wasn't weird to them because they were very used to skinships.

" I got the job Tae... I'm starting tomorrow" he clapped in small giggling cutely.

" Oh I knew you will ace this interview. Look at my little Chimmy...getting all grown up and independent huh?"

"Tae... we're the same age, and we're almost the same height so you can't call me little"

"Uhm Chim have you seen yourself? Please don't say we're almost the same height. You're like a chick. And I'm like a dinosaur" Tae laughed as Jimin punched his arm.

" That didn't even hurt Chim" he said sticking his tongue out to Jimin while running to the driver's seat. He sat down and Jimin joined in seating on the passenger seat.

" So?... are we gonna celebrate?" Tae asked

" Maybe next weekend... because I know your idea of celebrating is going to the club, I can't go to a club while I have to go to work in the morning." Jimin explained.

" Okay're no fun" he said pouting and holding Jimins's hand as he started driving away from the shop.

Okay guys that was my first update...I know it's boring but I'll try to make it more fun as it goes by.

Borahae 💜

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