Chapter 16

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Jungkook's POV

I was just entering the company and Jimin was not there, he seems very dedicated about his work but today he was late. I rolled my eyes and passed by the reception going to my office. When I got there I sat down and looked at my phone. My wallpaper was a pink Mochi.

Don't ask me why I'm pretty sure y'all know the reason behind it. I actually changed it when I was missing him. I don't have a single idea what's going on with me. I was okay before I saw this boy. I had a girlfriend who I think I loved. Everything was perfect and I was straight. Fuck I'm still straight...maybe I'm bisexual...but the gay side must be reserved for Jimin only. Where the fuck Is he anyway? I wanted to call but I thought it will be creepy because he thinks I don't have his number...which I have because...I'm JK

"Ahh Park Jimin" I sighed thinking about him.

"Why are you calling Jimins's name?" I raised my eyes up and they met those of Yoongi. He was looking at me like he was suspecting me of something.

"When did you come in here?" I asked him confused

"Why are you calling Jimins's name? Jungkook I'm getting tired of this, I can see right through you but the fact that you are not telling us anything makes me mad. Even a baby can tell that you prioritize Jimin more than Hwasa now and trust me nothing makes me more happy...But talk to us. Talk to me and Hobi Kooks" Yoongi said. I sighed and covered my face with my hands.

"I think...I think I like Jimin, maybe..I'm not sure" I said...of course I was sure that I like Jimin, but I just didn't want Yoongi hyung to think that maybe I'm gay.

"So you're gay?" Hyung asked laughing. Oops too late.

"Aigoo Hyungie I'm not gay, Jimin Is just an interesting human being which I'm getting fond of." I said.

"My god kook this is not rocket science okay? You know you like Jimin, you know that maybe you're bisexual, so why not just tell it like it is. I'm not gonna judge because the Jimin effect is real. I'm living proof of it" he said.

Wait what

"Wait wait wait hyung...what do you mean you're living proof that the Jimin effect is real?" I asked not liking where this was going.

"I had a crush on Jimin" Yoongi said it like it was the most normal thing a person could say. The guy Is straight for fucks sake. Well so am I.

"WHAT THE FUCK HYUNG!!" I yelled getting pissed.

"Key word- had...I had a crush on Jimin. Don't burst a vessel about it. I'm straight and I think maybe it's because he was being sweet and so I developed a sudden crush but It's over now. I care and like Jimin as my younger cute brother. That's all so chill out" he said. I then poked my inner cheek with my tongue and chuckled.

"Guess I'm not the only one who is the victim of the Jimin effect." I said and we both laughed. The door opened Hobi hyung got inside.

"And what did I miss?" Hobi said looking at us.

"Jungkook likes Jimin" Yoongi said immediately after Hobi hyung asked. He just couldn't wait to tell huh?

"You can never keep a secret Yoongi" I said rolling my eyes and he laughed.

"Well you never said it was a secret Kooks." He said. I turned to look at Hobi hyung and he had a sour look on his face. He didn't look to happy about this. What's up with him?.

"Hobi hyung? Don't tell me you also had a crush on Jimin" I said and Hobi widened his eyes.

"What? No!! What do you mean "also" had a crush?" Hobi hyung asked and i just looked at Yoongi.

"My god Yoongi. You had a crush on Jimin?!!" Hobi exclaimed looking shocked.

"That's not the point, I got over the silly damn crush and I'm straight. Jungkook is not though" Yoongi said. Still Hobi didn't looked pleased.

"Hobi? If you don't have a crush on Jimin then why aren't you getting happy? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I - it's just that...Jungkook?" He was really struggling with forming a proper sentence.

"Just talk  Hoseok!" Yoongi scolded and Hobi obeyed.

"Jimins's getting married"

Jimins's getting married? Jimin? Park Jimin? I was in shock trying to figure and process this. What does he mean Jimin is getting married? Jimin Is single. I chuckled not believing Hobi.

"You're just joking Hobi hyung, but that was a bad joke." I said, he bit his lip looking down...wait.

"Hobi? Is it true?" Yoongi asked beating me to it.

" I was with Taehyung yesterday. He had visited me and uh...we stayed up until late so he had to spend the night. So his battery was dead right...and in the morning when I made us breakfast he was listening to his messages that he received last night. Among them was Jimins's message. He said he was getting married and he was crying." Hobi hyung said. He looked sincere and i immediately believed him.

I took my phone and dialed Jimins number. It rang unanswered but I didn't give up. I tried him again and again and again.

When I called for the 8th Time the phone was answered.

"H-hello" Jimins's small voice came from the other side, it was even breaking.

"Hello Jimin? This is Jungkook" I said and the guys looked at me shocked. They probably didn't think I had Jimins's number.

"J-jungkook?...uh, can you call me later?" He asked with a few stutters and a breaking voice.

"No Jimin this is important. What the fuck am I hearing right now?" I asked him getting a bit angry.

"I don't know, what are you hearing?...but if someone said I talked to Eun-woo Then they're lying." Jimin said with a small voice and I chuckled.

"Why are you not at work?" I asked him

"I'm sorry about that. I'll report for work tomorrow" he said and I nodded forgetting he can't see me.

"It's fine then...Hobi told me that you're..." I was cut off my a voice screaming on Jimins's side. It was him. I know it was him who made that little screaming sound.

"PUT THAT FUCKING PHONE AWAY...I WAS TALKING TO YOU" a deep voice shouted at Jimin I think.

"Jimin what's going on?" The phone made a beep sound and just like that the call was dropped.

"Jimin...Jimin..hello...Jimin, Fuck!!!" I screamed banging the table. Hobi and Yoongi were looking at me waiting for an explanation. How do I even explain this? Even I don't know what's going on but I was panicking and so worried about Jimin. Are they abusing him?

" If Jimin is getting married, then he's forced " that's all I was able to mutter. But one thing I had in my mind is that no one would marry Jimin forcefully while I'm still alive.

He's mine and ain't nobody finna touch him. All I need to find out Is who he is married and where do they leave, after that then I'm taking what's mine.

But first things first... delete Hwasa, after what just happened. I know that Jimin means the world to me and Hwasa can't even begin to compare.

I'll set Jimin free even if it kills me.

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