Chapter 24

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Jungkook's POV

It was early in the morning and I had woken up first, Jimin was still asleep on my bed looking all cuddly and cute.

I pecked his lips multiple times and didn't wake up. I just just chuckled and smiled. He shouldn't be this cute, and to be honest he has duality. Everytime when he's at work he looks so handsome and professional, heck I can even let him top me. But when we're also or with our friends he just turns into this human mochi.

" Baby wake up, Baby? Chim? Chim Chim Jimin-ssi?" I said and he smiled while his eyes were still closed.

"Wake up baby, we have work remember?" I asked.

"Please fire me, you can't work with your boyfriend" Jimin said as his eyes were still closed. I just smiled and slightly pecked his small button nose.

" Working with you means I can keep track of how many guys you talk per day. And I can see my competition too." I said and he smiled widely.

"So that's what is about huh?" He said as he opened his eyes while rubbing them.

" Yes Jimin that's what this is about. I need to keep you close to me. Those guys there are vultures" I said earning a cute giggle from him.

" Oh God that's not true. You know what whatever. Go and shower, I'll use the shower in the guest bathroom" he said as he got up from the bed.

"Or we can shower together...Save water and can watch me if I slip and fall. I can't hurt my shoulder it's already injured baby" I said giving him puppy eyes.

"Hahaha very funny Kookie, nice try but I'm not taking a shower with you" he said trying his robe. Well it's mine but whatever it's his anyway.

" You're so heartless you baby mochi" I said squeezing his cheeks playfully and he giggled.

"Jungkook stop, just go and shower or we'll be late. I think we still need to pass by my apartment and get me something to wear. I have absolutely nothing here." He said rolling his eyes in frustration.

" You'll wear my clothes then" I said.

"No, they're big on me and I need to look representable at work. In your clothes I'll look like some..."

"Jimin my decision is final, you'll wear my clothes" i said taking my towel and heading to the bathroom. But not before i heard him mumbling...

"God he's so sexy" i smiled to my self.

"I heard that Baby" I said laughing at him.

"Whatever Kookie" he said getting out of my room. I took a shower even though my shoulder was hurting but it was still barrable. After showering I wore my clothes and looked for what Jimin would wear. Hmm not this, not this also. I thought to myself looking at my clothes.

Jimin came in with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. He was topless and some water from his hair was dripping down to his chest and waist. Why does he look so sexy, even his waist has abs. Hmm who would have thought.

" JUNGKOOK STOP STARING AT ME!" He yelled making me snap out of my thoughts. He was looking flustered though.

"Sorry babe you just looked" I said smiling. I love how the word baby just slips out of my mouth. I hardly called Hwasa that but with Jimin I just wanna do it all the time.

" Here try this on" i threw some clothes at him

" Here try this on" i threw some clothes at him

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