Chapter 46

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Since I've been back three weeks ago I'm just laying low in my house. I changed it up a bit and renovated It. Got some new furniture and changed the paint as well. It was even more beautiful now. But it was still lonely. Being a coward really won't help me get my friends and Jimin back. I have to really make a move now before it's even too late.

My phone rang and it was Namjoon hyung so I answered.

"Hyung hey, how are you?" I asked him

" Jungkook, we're at the basketball court. Yoongi Is having a friendly match with some of his ex classmates from highschool. Jimin is here with us. I expect you to be here in less than an hour too." Namjoon said before dropping the call.

"Hello? Hyung? Kim Namjoon? Damn he fucken hung up on me." I said placing the phone on the couch. I rushed up to my room to take a quick shower.

After the shower I wore my clothes. Just a simple white t-shirt and black track pants with sneakers and a black bucket hat to top it off. I took my phone and called for a cab. Driving there with my car is a bit over the top.

The cab arrived in less than five minutes and I went in as it drove away to the basketball court. Arriving there I saw Yoongi and Hobi's car already there. I paid the cab and went in while taking deep breaths. I pulled the bucket hat over to my face just to hide myself a little bit. I'm so nervous I shouldn't have come here.

I looked around and spotted Yoongi in the field with some other guys playing, Hobi was also playing as well as Namjoon. Jin, Tae and Jimin were sitting on the front row just cheering for the hyungs.

I looked at Jimin from the back, he was in between Tae and Jin. How do I rectify my mistakes? I've wronged him so much. The cheating saga, leaving him for 8 months while he's pregnant. He must hate me for that. The whistle blew on the court and it was half tike for the players. I gathered my courage and walked down to the first row where all my friends were now. Namjoon saw me but looked away like he didn't see anything.

I walked until I reached them then I cleared my throat behind them. They all turned to look at me including Jimin who had his mouth open because of the shock.

"JUNGKOOKAH" Tae exclaimed and jumped on me to hug me like he missed me. Maybe he did miss me. I smiled a bit returning the hug until Hobi pulled Tae away from me. Hobi bro hugged me with a smile on his face. I returned it it then Jin and Namjoon hugged me too while patting my back.

Now only Jimin and Yoongi were looking at me. I looked down feeling bad. Yoongi chuckled and shook his head.

"If you're not expecting a hug then forget bro. I don't like skin ships"  Yoongi said smiling. Making all of us laugh a bit except Jimin. They made way for me to pass and to stand next to Jimin. I walked slowly to him and stood in front of him. He was looking at up me, maybe I had gotten even taller than I was before.

Okay this was a bad idea. There's not even a single sign that he's happy to see me. I should have just stayed at home.

"Hi Jimin" I said in a low voice.

"Jeon" he said in a breathy tone, he's really shocked. I don't like it when he calls me Jeon though. I miss him saying Kookie.

He chuckled a bit but it wasn't a friendly one. He then slapped me hard across my cheek. Damn that hurt, the last time I saw him he slapped me. When I come back again he slaps me. Guess I deserve it.

Before I could say anything more another slap landed on my face, it was even more painful this time.

"Jimin" I called out to him but instead he tried to slap me again but this time I held his hand tightly.

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