Chapter 36

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Jimins's POV

It's way late around 6pm when I got out of the taxi. I walked inside the house holding many shopping bags. I really did buy the whole store now that I think about it. I entered the house and Jungkook wasn't in the lounge.

"Kookie? Please help me here!" I shouted loud enough for him to hear. After a few seconds he emerged on top of the stairs wearing black Fila shorts and sandals with no shirt on, I smiled to myself. God he's so hot I can't even deal, I feel like I'm totally fanboying right now.

"Hey Babe, I missed you so much. Come to think of it, you should have joined me for shopping. It was so much fun" I said placing the bags on the couch. Jungkook was slowly walking down the stairs with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"Yeah...I bet cheating was fun" he said.

"What?" I asked him confused. What the fuck did he just say? He looked at me shaking his head.

"I said I bet shopping was fun" he said as he finally sat on the couch. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him, okay he was really not in a good mood.

" What's wrong? Did something happen? Did one of the investors pull out on you guys?" I asked him.

"Sit down Jimin, I wanna ask you something." He said In a serious tone. I got nervous for a bit then sat down looking at him. His siren eyes were digging holes through me and I suddenly felt a cold shiver down my spine.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him nervously.

"I wanna ask you one question and you better answer it honestly." He said. I Nodded looking at him.

" Are you...Park Jimin, cheating on me?" He asked with dark emotionless eyes. I laughed At his question. He must really be pranking me, I laughed but when I saw that he wasn't laughing I stopped.

"Jeon Jungkook? Are you fucking serious right now?" I asked him shocked. My tears were on the brink of falling down but I held them.

"Answer me Jimin, I need to hear it from you." He said.

"Jungkook are you crazy? Why the fuck would I cheat on you?" I asked him as tears escaped my eyes.

"Are you cheating on me Jimin?" He asked again.

"NO I'M NOT CHEATING JUNGKOOK!!! The fact that you think that even makes me mad. Are you out of your mind? " I asked him. Without showing no emotions he tossed his phone and I caught it on my tiny hands. I looked at him and he signalled with his eyes that I should take a look at the phone.

I flipped it and looking at the picture there shocked me. It was...was it me? With another guy? Half naked?

My head started pounding as my hands trembled making me drop the phone on the floor. My heart beat had increased for a moment my breathing just paused.

" Explain that Jimin." He said. I wiped my tears aways panicking.

"Jungkook I swear to god that's not me, I don't know what's going on or what you're talking about I swear.. It looks like me but Its not me, I'm not cheating on you. I'd never cheat on you Jungkook. I love you so much." I explained

" I wanna believe you Jimin, I want to believe you so bad but I have all the proof right in front of me. No matter how you deny it, I have proof that you're being a slut" he said. His words were like a knife being inserted on my heart which was already weak. This was an out of body experience, it's like I can see my self crying to Jungkook. I couldn't believe any of this going on here.

" Jungkook please have faith in me, you have to believe that I'd never cheat on you. I love you Kookie". I said.


Now that was the last straw. He can insult me not knowing all the facts but he won't be the one to say shit about my pregnancy when he knocked me up on our first night together.

"Jungkook don't you dare put my baby in this. We both know he's yours and I don't know what's happening right now but you won't insult me like that. I've never slept with anyone else but you Jungkook." I said to him. He just chuckled bitterly shaking his head.

"Why don't you believe me? You really think I'd throw away what he have just like that?" I asked him.

"Or...are you willing to throw away what we have just like that?" I asked him again. He looked down for a few seconds then stood up.

"Get out of my house" he said calmly. I widened my eyes at him, was he...was he kicking me out, so late?

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I can't bare to look at you right now Jimin. You disgust me. Pretending to be innocent while you're sleeping around. Just leave." He said looking at me in pure disgust. Whoever is behind this must be rejoicing so much. They're definitely winning and I can't seem to get through Jungkook.

I guess I have to go back to my apartment then. Clearly I can't get through him right now.

"Fine, I'll give you space. I'll come back tomorrow and..." He cut me off before I finished talking.

"You're never coming back. I no longer want you in my life Jimin. I thought I found a good person in you but I was wrong." He said shaking his head.

"But...but Jungkook...I love you, and the baby..." He cut me off once again.

"Yeah the baby, when you give birth we'll get some DNA test done. I can't raise someone's baby." He said.

I froze as he said that. Tears were still flowing down my eyes. I bit my trembling lip to calm it down while taking my phone and requesting a taxi. After I was done I looked at Jungkook who was still looking at me .

"I'll go, but I hope you remember this day Jungkook. The day you insulted me and your unborn baby. When you get your facts straight. You have my number."

I said taking my backpack and shopping bags walking away.

"Jimin?" He called out and I stopped hoping he's come back to his senses. I turned around and looked at him, he was sipping his whiskey then he looked at me.

"You're fired" those were the words he uttered. I bit my lip hard to suppress my sobs. I turned back walking out and the moment I got out I let tiny sobs out.

"Why Jungkook?" I asked as I cried softly to avoid being heard.

I heard a loud scream and a shattering glass inside the house. Gosh his house will be a mess because he likes breaking things when he's angry. I won't even be there to clean up after him.

The car arrived and stood on the road side, well that was fast, too fast. Maybe the car was close by. I looked at Jungkook's house as tears escaped my eyes without stopping.

"I love you Jungkook, I hope you realize your mistake" I whispered as I opened the car getting inside.

" Hi...please take me too *****street" I said to the driver.

He turned and looked at me, his face was familiar and I immediately recognized it. It was the guy from the mall earlier today. The one I bumped into.

"Hey I remember you.". I said to him.

"Me too, buckle up Jimin. It will be a long ride" he said then he covered his face with a mask, before I got a chance to say anything the house my filled with white gas making it difficult for me to breath, I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"JUNGKOOK!!!" I shouted loudly before I felt the air closing in on me...then it was lights out.

I don't like this chapter, it saddens me
Anyway the book is still continuing even though I don't update everyday. Please continue feedback and support just like you do. I love you honeys

Borahae 💜

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