Chapter 57

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A month later

Everything has been set and planned. Was there anything missing? No...well yes. For Jimin and Jungkook to say I do tomorrow. It was the night before their wedding and Jungkook was in his bachelor party that Namjoon, Yoongi And Hobi surprised him with.

Jimin was also in his own party that Tae and Jin had surprised him with. They all had to have fun separately because they know how clingy Jungkook gets at parties and they didn't want him to ruin the whole bachelor party.

Jungkook was having fun drinking with the guys in a hotel suit they booked just for the night.

"Hyungs thank you for doing this for me and Jimin. We've been through a lot and we really need to have fun before the wedding" Jungkook said downing his 3rd glass of whiskey.

"We're a family man. We were going to do this whether you wanted us to or not." Namjoon said smiling and patting Jungkook's shoulder.

"And there's more" Yoongi said smiling mischievously.

"Oh god don't tell me you hired male strippers Hyung" Jungkook said already regretting being in this little party

"You almost got it right. I hired female strippers. So that you wouldn't get hard. You're gay right?" Yoongi asked teasing Jungkook.

"Yoongi what the fuck!. He used to fuck girls and you're bringing female strippers here? What if he gets horny and wants to fuck them?" Hobi asked Yoongi raising his voice a bit.

"Hobi I won't cheat on Jimin. I'm marrying him tomorrow and I don't wanna ruin what we have" Jungkook said gulping down his 4th whiskey glass.

"So you don't mind that Yoongi hired strippers as entertainment for the night?" Namjoon asked trying to make sure he understand what Jungkook is saying.

"No I don't. He was just trying to lighten up the party. I appreciate it" Jungkook said.

"See? He's happy. Let's all be happy too. I'll go call in the girls" Yoongi said gulping his glass and walking out.

"Jimin is gonna kill you when he finds out about this. He strictly said no strippers." Hobi said shaking his head.

"Then we'll all blame it on Yoongi hyung. He did it anyway" Jungkook said.

"But then Jimin doesn't have to find out. We can all just pretend like we drank and fell asleep" Namjoon said.

"Yeah I guess so. They're probably having male strippers touch Jimin all over in their party" Hobi said.

"What? No!. Jimin promised that they'd be no other man except them. They'll just drink, dance and sleep." Jungkook said.

"You do know Tae and Jin right? If we weren't in their lives then they'd be hoes." Namjoon said.

"Fuck. I should have forbidden this bachelor thing. I just can't bare the thought of someone touching Jimin." Jungkook said drinking whiskey in a glass.

"Maybe you might wanna stop drinking. Drunk people make bad decisions" Hobi said.

"No matter how drunk I am, I won't fuck any of the girls Yoongi is bringing. You and Namjoon aren't my type too." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"What?" Namjoon asked holding a laugh. He could tell Jungkook was getting drunk now.

"Well Namjoon hyung, you're way too big and muscular to be a bottom. Hobi hyung, you're just...not my type." Jungkook said laughing making the guys to join him.

"I'M BACK FUCKERS" a slightly drunk Yoongi said walking in with Jared and 5 girls who were wearing coats.

"Eey Jared. You made it bro" Jungkook said extending his hand to shake Jared's.

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