Chapter 28

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Jungkook's POV

Today I went home earlier than usual, which meant Jimin would find me home when he comes back...Gosh can't he just come back now? I miss him and to be honest I'm really horny right now. I plopped down on the couch and loosened my tie. I took my phone to call Jimin but it rang unanswered. Fuck maybe I should try again.

And I did. I called him five more times but he still didn't answer.

"FUCK" I groaned in frustration throwing my phone on the couch. What the fuck is he busy with? He's only chilling with Tae and no one else. What could they be doing for him to ignore my calls? Fuck It I'm getting pissed now.

I went to take a quick shower and wore a black shorts and a white T-shirt just to relax and cool down. After an hour of me sitting alone and Jimin finally opened the door with a smile on his face. Seeing his smile made me forget all my anger for a while but...still, I was so fucken angry that he ignored all 10 of my calls.

"Hey Kookie" he greeted with a cheerful voice.

"Where have you been Jimin?" I asked glaring at him.

"What? You know I was with Tae and..." I cut him off

"So Tae told you not to answer my calls now? I called about 10 fucken times and you didn't answer" I said.

"Actually you called 18 times and my phone wasn't next to me. When I saw it I realized that the battery was only at 1%. I'm sorry I didn't answer" he said with his hands held together and whispering the last part.

"Jimin when I call you answer, I don't care where the fuck you are. Who were you with?" I asked him

"We went to visit Jin and Namjoon and Eric. Then we went to Tae's apartment and chilled with Changbin and Felix" he answered.

"Changbin and Felix? Who are those?" I asked again. He gave the a look and I caught him rolling his eyes at me.

"They are Tae's neighbors. We all hang together when I'm visiting Tae's place." He answered. I chuckled bitterly but because of the jealousy. I wanted to hang whoever that Felix and Changbin are.

"Come closer" I motioned him with my finger and he obeyed. He walked to me and stood in front of me, I pulled him down by his slim curvy waist and made him sit in my thigh.

"Jimin when I call you answer...get that?" I asked. He bit his lower lip looking down as he nodded.

"I shouldn't have to wonder what my boyfriend is doing with who. I should always know no matter what." I said.

" But with Hwasa you never showed interest like that" he said in a small voice looking down.

"Is your name Hwasa by any chance?" I asked sassily.

" I'm not Hwasa. I'd rather die than be that obsessed girl. I saw her today and she wants you back so desperately" he said. Gosh I didn't want to hear anything about Hwasa and definitely not at this moment.

"I think I should get you a gun. Shoot Hwasa if she tries anything." I said and he pushed my chest lightly.

"I might be gay but I'm still a man. I don't abuse women, you also shouldn't Jungkook It's wrong." He said cutely and I kissed his neck. He was so warm considering that the weather was very cold. It should have been a light peck on the neck but I ended up using my tongue. I was just trying to tease him but suddenly he moaned.

Why would he moan? Right now I want to fuck him so bad and he makes it worse by moaning?. Fuck he just started something else.

" Baby you're turning me on so much right now" I said with a heavy sigh. He blushed and just went for a kiss making me kiss back immediately,god knows how much I missed these lips. We kissed deeply as I was unbuttoning his shirt and just a blink of an eye he was left with his underwear only while I was still fully dressed.

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