Chapter 1: Betrayal - So Long, Farewell!

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Quick Intro - Btw you start young but you will be older! :), This is just giving a little backstory.

****Third person POV***

It was just another sunny ordinary day when the start of this story takes place. A close group of friends aged around 13 to 15 were meeting up in their usual spot.

"Hey over here, I found one!" one friend shouted to the others who seemed to be scouting out the area.

"Wait, Really? Stay there I'm coming!" Replied the blonde-haired friend.

Y/n put her finger to her mouth while running carefully over "Shh! Keep your voice down Cara and Isabelle they will hear us".

"Yeah, we want to have the surprise attack on them, not the other way round silly!" Ben agreed with Y/N.

Isabelle and Cara looked at each other and both whispered "Sorry...", Isabelle adding, "But I just got so excited".

The four stared out at a Hilichurl walking away from them.

"Guys..." Y/n grins looking up at them excitedly, barely being able to hold herself still "Today the day, Today we are going to defeat a Hilichurl!", she gripped onto the dagger in her hand. The others held their chosen weapons closely too.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, we're not the Knight of Favonious ya know..." Ben starts to shake "We don't have visions and are not trained in combat, we just ordinary kids".

"Relax Ben" Y/N reassures him "There's 4 of us and 1 of it, plus we are only 100 meters or so away from Mondstadt, so we can always call for help and we won't get caught we will know if someone is coming as the pigeons on the bridge will fly away warning us, also we won't ever have visions if we don't defeat any Hilichurls".

"Ohh yeah, those birds which always seem to be near that Toddler, what's his name?" Cara asks.
"Timmie!" Isabelle replies, "He's a weird one isn't he".

Y/n looked directly at the poor defenceless Hilichurl "Yeah, so back to the mission at hand, are we all ready? I'll distract, Cara you sneak around the back, Isabelle get ready to jump out from the bushes over there and Ben get ready to support us!". Everyone nodded in response before sneaking into position.

The Hilichurl seem to be scratching its bum when Y/N ran out screaming, clutching onto her dagger for dear life

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The Hilichurl seem to be scratching its bum when Y/N ran out screaming, clutching onto her dagger for dear life. After a delayed response from the Hilichurl, it started digging into the ground. " Now!" Y/N shouted.

"Arghhh!!" Isabelle and Cara charged at the Hilichurl from multiple sides, surprising it. Ben still hiding in the bushes hoping it will all be over soon and his role as a support would not be needed.

The Hilichurl stumped back after being slashed from multiple sides and finally collapsed after Y/N dealt the finishing blow. Everyone waited a few seconds after the body had collapsed to the ground before looking at each other and screaming in excitement. "We did it! Yay!" The 3 close friends held hands and jumped up and down. Ben came out from behind the bush and let out a long sigh of relief.

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