Chapter 13: Snezhnaya Welcomes Us

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My last thought was that I wanted to be with Ajax, I needed to make sure he was okay, and I didn't want to leave him. What did I have to go back too anyway, my friends had deserted me, My parents although they loved me were always busy with work, they never had time for me.

So, when it came to my wish, I believe my desire to go with Ajax over did my wish to go home.

I remember waking up shivering, it was freezing. Looking around I saw white everywhere, I had to cover my eyes as it's shined so brightly, reflecting the sun. To my left I saw Ajax, peacefully lying in the snow, the snow drops fell on his face,

As someone from Mondstadt I had never seen anything like this. I experience a bit of snow one winter when I was younger, but not to this extend.

"The world looks glorious in the snow..." I hear the ginger haired boy say.
I smiled and nodded in agreement; it was spectacular. "Too good in fact that I don't want to ruin it by creating footprints".

"We have too, if we didn't keep moving, we'd freeze to death. Literally." He replies "especially in your clothes" he points to me.

(Lunanime here, found a picture which I thought was funny so just adding it in, not part of story:)

(Lunanime here, found a picture which I thought was funny so just adding it in, not part of story:)

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(Back to story)

What can I say, I hadn't particularly come prepared, not that I knew I would end up here. My clothes were ripped from battles down in the abyss and I had previously used part of my shirt as a bandage for Isabelle "Yeah, let's get moving!".

I help him up, he was battered all over from when he was attacked by the abyss herald. I wasn't in great shape myself, but he was definitely worse.

We kept close together to save heat as we started to walk "So where do you live?"

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We kept close together to save heat as we started to walk "So where do you live?".

"In a seaside village, called Morepesok. If we walk down and reach the sea we should be able to find it quicker" he grunt in distress, walking was clearly causing him pain.

As we walked downhill as I started to see lights in the distance, we must be getting close. "Just a little be further" I tried to urge him on as he slowed down.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now