Chapter 22: The Toy Salesman was Born.

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(I will talk about the Fatui plans in the following few chapters, at this point in time, we do not officially know for sure what they are, so this is guesswork from me. – 20/04/2022)

***Your POV***

Ajax explained the situation to me, what had gone on, and the school's call. Something seemed fishy to me. Everything was happening a bit too suddenly Like we were being pushed into a corner where the only option forward was to join the Fatui. I explained my thoughts to Ajax, but what else could we do.

"So, what are your thoughts on it Y/N?" Ajax looked at me. He seemed to be nervous. It was clear he wanted to help his family but was worried about the future.

"It seems we don't have much choice," I said out loud whilst thinking to myself "someone wants us to join the Fatui. They have probably noticed our strength and want us to join them, for better or worse. I think it is our only option. "Personally, I would like to understand more about them before joining, what exactly they stand for and what they do. I didn't pick up much about it at school". I explained, trying to keep a rational head.

"From what I have learnt, the Fatui goal is to save Teyvet, from what though, I'm not exactly sure. I don't understand much more myself," He thought to himself.

I signed, thinking back to my old life. There wasn't any substantial military force like the Fatui there, just the knights of Favonius. A few of my friends wanted to be one of the knights when they grew up. What's the difference between the fatui and the knights? Every side is it's own hero, but for every hero created, there is a villain. At the end of the day, heroes and villains are just different sides of the same coin, fighting for what they believe in. I looked up at Ajax before asking him a question, "What do you believe in Ajax? What do you want to fight for?".

He blinked and paused for a few seconds; I could hear his mind working and thinking. "I guess ultimately to get to a point where I can achieve and ensure peace for everyone around me. For mum, dad, Tonia, all my siblings and you Y/N. That's why when we rule the world and reach Celestia, no one will be able to affect the people we care about or us. We will be the most powerful". He grinned whilst blushing a bit.

"Well, as strong as you are now, you will have to become a lot stronger to achieve that", I informed him, thinking about what I wanted, what I believe in, and want to fight for. I want to learn more about the Fatui and their plans, and why they have made an enemy of the nations of Teyvet. Maybe then I could understand why they are seen as the villains to many. Once I know this, I cant genuinely decide whose side I am on, but only then. Even if this would make me out as an enemy of Mondstadt and my old friends, it was the only route that seemed open to Ajax and me, so I took a deep breath before announcing: "Let's join. What have we got to lose? If we don't like it, we do our five years and leave. It will help us to become stronger, stronger than ever before. The equipment they can provide us with will help us train. Maybe we will meet Skirk again one day and show her how much we have improved. With power comes choice, then no one can stop us then." I reach out my hand, seeking his cooperation.

He hesitated for a second, then grabbed it. "Let's become the stronger. Then no one will tell us what to do anymore".

***Time Skip***

The next three days seemed like a blur. Ajax and I packed our bags, awaiting the Fatui agents to come and collect us. News had quickly spread around town about us joining the Fatio and the fight we got in. People seemed to stay away from us. People muttered behind our backs about us being failures due to dropping out of school and requiring military training. Joining the Fatui was typically seen as an honour, but it seemed that many people were relieved that we wouldn't be around anymore due to the fights we had caused. Although our school knew, it seemed as if they kept very quiet. They told Ajax's parents the same thing which had been said on the phone to him. Personally, I don't think the school called him that night but the Fatui. I'm not too fond of the way they operate. They seem to take any measure to get what they want. That was Ajax and I in this instance, but what's the overall goal. I want to know. I respect their persistence, and at least we are wanted by someone.

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