Chapter 21: Recruitment

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***Your POV***

Finally, we stumbled to the house. Ajax collapsed just outside the front door. I was too weak to carry him, so I banged on the front door, hoping someone would hear us. I couldn't help but keep looking behind us to see if someone was following us.

Periboea opened the door, and her mouth dropped when she saw Ajax. "Ohh, dear! Quickly help me get him in!". As she was reaching down to him, she noticed I was injured too.

"Anthon! Quickly come down and help your brother and Y/N," she shouted into the house.

I heard a groan, "What... Seriously, what has he done this time". He stumbled towards the door. But as soon as he saw us covered in blood, his eyes widened. "Ohh damn...".

He helped us, laying Ajax down on the sofa. "What have you done this time? This is really the last straw.... dad's gonna blow," he said, you could tell there was concern in his voice, but I was unsure if it was for his brother or his dad.

Ajax opened his one eye not covered in blood. "Anthon, don't worry. I will sort this out. Dad will be fine, I promise... This time it wasn't us. Urgh..." He groans, clutching his arm. "Someone is after us. Make sure Tuecer and Tonia are okay... I... Arghhh.".

I escorted myself to the kitchen to wash myself up-no point covering the house with blood.

Periboea was tending to Ajax and making him comfortable. Before she called out to me, "Y/N dear, could you please bring me the wooden spoon please".

I did as she asked, and she looked toward Ajax. "Sweetie, this is gonna hurt a bit, but it will be okay" she smiled sweetly at Ajax, brushing his sweaty bangs out of his face. You could tell he was in quite a bit of pain. Periboea opened his mouth and put the spoon horizontally. Ajax was too focused on the pain to realise what was happening.

Suddenly his mum grabbed his arm and snapped it back into place. Ajax screamed, biting hard down on the spoon.

I instinctively rushed towards him, but his mum turned around and smiled at me. "Don't worry dear, he is fine. His arm was dislocated but is correctly back in place. It can heal properly now".

I heard constant groans coming from him. I felt so bad that I couldn't help.
Anthony was just watching his mum in shock. She was so sweet but harsh. I could just see him gulp. He knew not to ever come home with a dislocated arm.

"Anthon, please go and gather some fire-water, we need to cleanse these wounds, or our dear Ajax could get an infection." She then looked up at me. "And the same for you, Y/N. We need to sort you out too".

I cannot lie; I flinched after what just happened to Ajax. But I helped get the alcohol as requested.

She helped clear us all up, obviously; all the noise woke Tonia up, who came down to help. She was very worried about us, but I wasn't as worried about her reaction as I was Ajax's father.

Soon I heard the loud footsteps come down the stairs. My mind was racing over time. I didn't want to make Telamon stressed out, but how do I explain that someone targeted us. That the family could possibly be in danger. My heart started beating rapidly.

"Ajax!" His voice boomed.

"Honey dear, Ajax isn't in the best state to talk to right now. I will sort everything out, and we can talk about this in the morning. Why don't you go back to bed" his wife tried to reassure him.

He ignored her and kept going toward Ajax. "What did you do this time, Ajax! What has happened to you, fights after fights? Our family reputation is going down the drain, and I can't keep affording to silence another family".

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now