Chapter 48: Meeting our Team

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***Y/N POV***

Ajax carries me inside my room, placing me down on the sofa. "And we have arrived!".

I looked up at him. He was rather handsome.

"Why thank you", I grinned before adding, "Next time, it's my turn to carry you"

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"Why thank you", I grinned before adding, "Next time, it's my turn to carry you".

He blushes at the thought, "That's not how it works...".

I think he would look so cute being bridal style carried. He would just be so adorable. I found myself fangirling in my own head. I break away from my train of thought when I see a white cardboard box on the table. Ohh, brilliant, the cake had been delivered.

I see Ajax taking his jacket off and getting comfier. I personally couldn't wait to get out of this dress and just let my hair down. But first, it is time for more cake! I walked over to the counter and peered inside the box.

It was a chocolate cake with his name on it, with a cute whale in icing. I must remember to leave this bakery a good review just as I had requested. It was absolutely perfect and looked super tasty. I couldn't wait to dig in "Ajax, present!". I smiled as I opened the box and passed him the cake. You could just tell by the look on his face that he wasn't expecting another cake.

 You could just tell by the look on his face that he wasn't expecting another cake

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"Here, it's from me this time! Happy birthday" I pasted it to him.

"Another cake?" He blushes a bit. "You really know how to spoil me, Y/N..."

"Well, of course, I am your girlfriend", I poked him on the nose. "Ohh, and before I forget...." I remembered the plushie I had brought and rushed over to get it. I handed the wrapped gift to Ajax, "And of course, I got you a present!". I handed it over, excited to see what he thought. Then I reached out and got a party hat. "Here, put this on too!" I leaned forward, placing the party hat on his head."

"Woah, calm down." He chuckled, unsure whether to open the present or have a bit of cake first.

"Open it, open it!" I clapped my hands together, beaming from ear to ear, happy that I could give something to him.

"Okay, okay. I'll open it now. Give me a second." He says, carefully unwrapping it. I roll my weight on my toes, desperate to see his reaction, getting annoyed at how carefully he was with the wrapping paper.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now