Chapter 59: The Angel's Share

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***Ajax POV***

She looked at me, eyes wide as she spoke, "I think I have a sister..."

Y/N explains her behaviour today and who the man running the toy store was. Following on to talk about what happened in the alley afterwards. Now that I think of it, he did resemble her in some ways. He had a kind-looking face, a bit tired possibly, but I think that was due to his age. However, he had a spark in him and seemed very passionate about what he did, reminding me of her in some ways. A decent and kind man overall. I blushed at the thought that I had met one of Y/N parents; it was not how I had imagined meeting them, I suppose, but I didn't think I ever would. I pushed my thoughts aside and focused back on Y/N.

"Did my family replace me..." She asks, looking down.

I shook my head firmly as I didn't think that was the case, "Judging by what you told me, if she appears to be the age you said, I highly suspect your mum was pregnant when you fell into the Abyss. It does take 9 months, you know. My mum has been through many pregnancies.". I then explained that it was possible her parents didn't tell her as they may not have been sure.

She looked deep in thought for a while before she looked up and smiled at me, a slight tear forming from her eye, but I didn't look like an unhappy tear. "Her name is Ashley" she smiled, wiping it away.

I smiled; thoughts all came rushing into my head. Ashley... would she get on with Teucer and Tonia? What toys could I buy her, was she like Y/N? What was Y/N's mum like? She sounded nice from what I had just heard, rushing to help a stranger. Y/N broke my train of thought as she beamed with delight, "Ajax... I have a sister!!! I'm an older sister".

She seemed really happy, and I was glad. I remember when I found out I was going to be an older brother for the 3rd time, I was over the moon.

We kept talking for a while until suddenly, one of our agents came in and interrupted us: "Master Tartaglia and Lady Clara, Miss Katie is here to see you" the Agent bowed.

"Ohh, thank you, we will just be a moment", I responded before turning to face Y/N. "This is excellent news, and we must get a drink later to celebrate, but for now, let's meet Katie".

She smiled and nodded as we both walked out of the room.

When entering the guest room, we saw Katie having some tea. She was in Mondstadt-style clothing, which was strange to see on her. Upon noticing us, she jumped up and ran over, giving us a big hug. "Tartaglia, Clara. I have missed you so much!".

"Hi Katie, it's nice to see you too!" Y/N smiled, still over the moon from recent events.

"I have lots to tell you" She smiled before taking a deep breath and telling us everything and her concerns, barely even stopping to breathe. "The knights have been struggling with an increase in Abyssal activity. We have been focusing on securing all the villages, but as of this morning, the word is going around that the Fatui is in town. Captain Kaeya seemed to have picked up some information from somewhere, but his sources are unknown. Cara told us to stay alert and increase our security manpower wherever possible, focusing especially on the city. No one knows what these supposed Fatui members look like, so you should still be safe as I'm assuming you did something that got you noticed. Anyway, nothing is being held against you, but people are weary, and rumours are spreading. So watch out. In fact, rumour is one of them is originally from Mondstadt. Is that you, Lady Clara? You do have a Mondstadt vision after all."

Y/N groaned as she looked over at me. "Tartaglia... why did you have to spill that info to the redhead villigante, idiot...".

I chuckled as I rubbed my head. "Sorry, just kinda slipped out, I guess".

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