Chapter 43: Festival - Wishing Tree

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***Ajax POV***

Y/N went upstairs with my sister to get dressed, although we still had 1.5 hrs hours until the festival. Teucer was still busy playing with his toy, so I went and sat outside to get some fresh air.

I stared at the scenery; it was really nice to be home. I remembered all the days I had with Y/N here, catching that big fish, building sandcastles and meeting her after work.

I had brought the mask I was given at the Banquet and held it in my hand. That was my new life now, and I had to say goodbye to my home town for a while.

I looked at the snowfall all around me when I suddenly felt two arms wrap embrace me from behind.

"What ya doing?" A voice asks.

I turn around to see my brother

"Just thinking", I replied with a hit of sadness in my voice ", I have to go back tomorrow, and I don't know when I will be able to come and visit you all again"

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"Just thinking", I replied with a hit of sadness in my voice ", I have to go back tomorrow, and I don't know when I will be able to come and visit you all again".

Teucer walks to my side. "Well, you and Y/N have an important job to do and need to make and sell lots of toys, So I can wait. I want all the children in the world to have the best toys!".

"Yeah, I suppose you are right", I signed.

"But you are Y/N are going to stay together aren't you?" He looks at me with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, I hope so. Why, Does it worry you that we won't?" I asked.

"Well..." He rocked on his feet. "I get scared that if you and Y/N fall out, she will never come here again, and then she will forget about all of us...".

"Ohh Teucer... You know that would never happen; Y/N would never forget about you or her time here," I tried to comfort him.

"Do you promise? That you and Y/N will always be together?" Teucer's big eyes look at me brimming with hope.

"Now, you know I can't promise that...." I signed.

"Aww...." Teucer looks down, sad.

"But..." As he looked up at me, I said, "I can promise that I will do whatever I can to make that happen."

"Yay! Pinkie, promise!" He reaches his hand out and recites the Snezhnayan pinkie promise, the one I taught him ages ago.

"Yay! Pinkie, promise!" He reaches his hand out and recites the Snezhnayan pinkie promise, the one I taught him ages ago

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now