Chapter 12: The Beast of the Abyss

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***Your POV***

I quickly looked around, there was no way we could outrun this thing, that was as clear as day. The only option we had was to go closer to the tree and hope that somehow, we would survive.

Ajax seemed to be one step ahead of me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the tree.

Looking up at the tree it reminded me of the big Irminsul tree in Mondstadt. That tree was said to hold mystic powers, although it was just a rumour/legend, it was said to be left there after somebody ascended to Celestia. I had actually seen multiple pictures of trees like this in books just not as big, there was one in Lique and Inazuma. Connecting the whole of Teyvet. Did they have any relation to this tree? I looked up and all the branches spreading out.

As we were running, trying not to stumble and trip over as the beast stomped vibrating the ground, the now one-armed abyss appeared between us and the tree.

"Urgh..." I groaned, now was not the best time for him to show up.

He laughed as Ajax and I skidded to a holt. "Well, it seemed that you are stuck between a rock and a hard place figuratively speaking".

Suddenly a water blade came out of his left hand and his other hand seemed to be recreated with water as he shouts: "Abyss energy grant me new life!" He looked up at us before saying "The End is Nigh!".

His water blades reminded me a lot of my skill; Dancing blades. Is the reason my skill is so similar to his because I gain my vision whilst he held me, or was it that I somehow drew inspiration from his fighting style.

He came spinning towards us at an angle. We couldn't run backwards because the beast the catching up and we couldn't go forward due to the abyss herald. We were stuck, I froze.

What happened next was all in slow motion.

***Ajax POV***

I ran out of the way as I saw the Abyss herald coming straight for us. I turned back to see Y/N standing there like she was frozen in time. Her eyes were wide open. Without thinking I ran towards her and pushed her with all my might out of the way.

Unfortunately, this didn't leave me with enough time to escape, I got caught in the Abyss heralds attack. It felt like I was being sliced by 1000 knives.
This attack flung me back causing me to crash into a large rock. This forced all the air out of my lungs, leaving me breathless. The boulder crumbled soon after the impact. Coughing I spat up blood.

"Ajax!" Y/N shouts reaching out to me.

The abyss herald turned its attention away from me. I guess since she was the one to cut off his arm, he wanted to take revenge on her first. "Run, now!" I shout to her.

I felt the ground shake again the Abyss beast had gotten a lot closer, in about 30 seconds he would have caught up with us. I struggled to get to my feet, my legs were shaking. I had hit that rock really hard; my body was screaming out in pain. I focused my attention on the abyss herald, Y/N and it was in fierce combat.

Water filled the air, sparkling under the silver glowing tree. It was a beautiful sight, like nothing I had ever seen before. I could feel the energy coming off both of them, the thrill of the battle was exhilarating. I ran nearer in my melee stance; Foul Legacy: Raging Tide.

I joined in the fight, preparing my burst - Havoc: Obliteration.

I joined in the fight, preparing my burst - Havoc: Obliteration

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An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now