Part 62: That Opperunity Was Quite Hard To Come By

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***Your POV***

"Cryo... fitting for a person like you, " I responded. You could hear the anger in my tone.

"Don't mock me! You clearly choose to leave all of us. For what? To join the enemy, become a member of the Fatui?!" She yelled, reaching for her Catalyst with elemental energy surging from her.

It was amusing she thought for a split second that she had the upper hand. I could sense from the beginning the difference in our power levels.

One might think that a long-anticipated fight between two old friends may be dramatic and take a long time. But in this instance, it was over as quickly as it started, and I was able to demonstrate a slither of the experiences I had gained because of my time in the Abyss.

As her hand was reaching for the Catalyst, I took use of my fast reaction times and reached out whilst forming a hydro blade, allowing the blade to reach her weapon first, cutting the material which strapped it to her waist.

My other hand moved faster than she could have anticipated and grabbed onto Cara's wrist, which due to her slow reaction time was still in the process of reaching for the weapon and had yet to fall to the ground. I then spun around, making us swap positions, which left her on the edge of the cliff. It was the very same cliff I fell off of.

The dizziness and confusion had caused her to lose her footing as she stumbled back, allowing only her tippy toes to be connected to the cliff and, of course, the wrist I was supporting.

Cara screamed once she realised what had happened in a split moment. "Argh! Y/N!" Her weapon was on the floor, as she helplessly clung to me. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry!"

I stare at her blankly, so she has finally admitted she was wrong, after playing ignorant all this time. "For what?" I said, wanting her to admit everything in specific detail. Just so I could hear it for myself.

She hesitated, which gave me the perfect opportunity to loosen my grip a bit, but making sure I wouldn't let her go

"Eiiii!" She squealed before quickly confessing."I'm sorry for pushing you off that cliff, I... I was wrong, and it was all my fault! Put me down, please!"

I stared at her, she looked pathetic, we had grown up in two different worlds. Each one had its advantages and disadvantages. But I was proud of who I was now, even though my life had been tough at some points, I was able to meet ajax and Teucer because of it, and try to help save the world. That was only because of what happened here that day.

"Y/N, please... Put me down, " Cara sobbed, tears falling from her face into the sea below.

I could have dropped her, I could have just released my fingers. It would be so easy, to make her feel the same pain I did. The feeling of betrayal, if you could even call it that. But she didn't deserve that opportunity, and I didn't want to stoop to the same level as her

I held her there for a bit longer, just to prolong the moment before chucking her on the grass beside me away from the catalyst.

"Next time, I won't be so lenient, I don't want to see you ever again," I said and started to walk away. I had gotten my apology and that's all I needed. She wasn't even worth me using my vision on let alone my delusion.

She coughed out the rest of her tears, then looked up at me whilst I walked off shaking. "What... What happened to you... why did you become the villain".

I didn't even bother to turn around. "I grew up and realised the truth of this world. Something a naive person like yourself could never understand. There are always two sides to every story. "

I think she muttered some words to me after that, but I didn't hear them. It felt like a part of my past, which had been missing, had been filled. In one word, I felt content. I had got my apology, although forced at that.

The past was the past, and I can leave that behind, knowing that I am happy with the life I had, seen as a villain to some, looked down upon as the fatui, but with the hope one day of saving Teyvat.

***Ajax POV***

I got back to the hotel and found it to be empty, which I was surprised at as I was expecting Pix to have arrived. I didn't think much of it at first and I walk up to my room to clean off my clothes since they were all covered in blood and dirt from rolling down the hill. The damage I had sustained was not that bad but as for my top, well that was a different story.

I started running the shower, cleaning myself off. I looked down at my body and observed all the different battle scars I had gotten over the years, thinking of all the experiences which had made me this strong. When my train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a knock at my door.

"Master Ajax!" I heard a voice shout in a bit of a panic.

"Yes what is it, I'm kind of busy here" I call back still in the shower.

"Apologies Ajax, but it's Y/N. It seems she has gotten into an argument with someone near the cliff, I got lost whilst trying to find this city and stumbled upon y/n with this other girl, I don't know what was going on and it didn't look like she was hurt but she looked pretty angry." I could tell by his voice that it was Pix. What had Y/N got herself into now?

I jumped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my waist before rushing to the door to get more information from Pix. What had Y/N got herself into and was she all right? Was that the reason she wanted me to go ahead of her, was she hiding something from me? My main feeling at this moment was concern, although I could feel a bit of anger boil up inside of me. I rushed out of the bedroom door forgetting Pix was there and nearly bumped into him.

"Er-er..." Pix stuttered as he stumbled back, landing on the floor.

"Ohh sorry Pix, I didn't realise you were standing so close to the door." I apologised, but I was in a hurry and wanted to get back to the issue. "Tell me all you know about Y/N, location you saw her last and what this other person looked like. I'm going out straight away".

He started to explain but he looked up and me and stuttered "M-M-Master Ajax!" His cheeks when a deep shade of red as he looked away and covered his face. "Please put some clothes on before you go out!".

I was surprised by his reaction, surely, he had seen a man's torso before. "Err, yeah course..." I reached around the door and grabbed some trousers I had lying around, quickly putting them on.

"She... she had brown hair, the person and it looked like they were by some ruins" Pix tried to say still as red as a tomato unable to look at me. Did I look that bad?

I had a think of where had ruins and I remembered the ruins we walked past today. I quickly rush off and grab a coat "Thanks Pix! You stay here in case she comes back, and I'll go and find her. If you see Katie tell her to be on the lookout for Y/N".

"But Master Ajax, Your shirt!" Pix called out still flustered, but I was in too much of a hurry to reply and I grabbed a coat wrapping to round me. Rushing out the door to find Y/N. 

***End of Chapter***

Okay.... I know it  took forever... Don't kill me. I'm sorry, been super busy with tiktok and cosplaying (Have 10k on tiktok now and can't believe it). As an apology please accept some of my favourite pictures:

Thank you for keeping with me this long, hopefully over the christmas period i will find some time to write a few chapters.

Love u all,


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