Chapter 34: The Big Announcement

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***Ajax POV***

I had just come in from the balcony; I couldn't take it anymore. My heartfelt like it was about to explode. I clutched my chest. This pain was like nothing I had felt before. Y/N was so cute. For a second, I thought she rejected me when everything went silent. But luckily, it all worked out, I had wanted to tell her that for a while, and it felt so good to get off my chest, like a burden had been lifted.

I had to sit down on a seat; otherwise, I think I would have fainted. I leaned forward, putting my hand on my chest whilst the other lent against the table to support my head. I felt a little dizzy, and my chest was tight.

Was it my broken rib? No, it couldn't have been. The pain felt different. Every time I thought of Y/N, it got worse.

***Y/N POV***

I stayed on the balcony for a while longer, thinking about Ajax. The breeze was very refreshing, but I remembered my true purpose for being here after a while: to find out more about the Fatui. As much as I wanted, I couldn't be distracted by Ajax, not at this time anyway.

I walked into the main hall but didn't see him. Usually, his ginger hair sticks out in a crowd, but I could not see it after scanning the horizon of heads.

It appeared most people had arrived as fewer people seemed to be entering. I started trying to listen in on other people's conversations to try and learn more, but unfortunately, I couldn't catch onto much; most people were just engaged in ideal chit-chat.

Suddenly I hear a glass clink coming from the front of the room, drawing everyone's attention. A young-looking woman walked in and sat on the throne at the front of the room. She was beautiful; She had dark blue hair, which turned lighter at the tips, which seemed to glow and sparkle just like ice. She had a pure face with dark empty eyes. She reminded me of a doll somehow, but you could tell her eyes had seen many things in her lifetime and that she had overcome many harsh battles.

The man I saw earlier in a strange mask was standing near her; suddenly it hit me who he was. In the Fatui, he goes by the name Dottore, also known as the doctor. But even closer to the young lady was a man who gave me the chills, I believe he was the first harbinger, known as The Jester, or at least that was who I think he was, according to the books and images I had seen.

The Jester started to talk, and everyone's attention was on him. I'm sure Ajax would be able to fill me in on the details later, so I thought I would try and find other information whilst everyone was distracted.

I looked around, trying to gather clues from the environment. Maybe something would be a clue. Slowly I moved through the crowd of people, trying to draw as little attention to myself as possible. I bet Katie would be good at this task; she always plays pranks on officers without being caught.

The Jester keeps rambling on about how we had a successful year, and we're making progress toward the Fatui goal, whatever that was. I finally found myself at the edge of the hall. The only thing I had seen was Fatui's love for the finer things in life. Every detail of this event was executed perfectly.

I followed the wall along until finally, I came across a small door. As trying to go past it, I accidentally lent on it, causing it to open very slightly. That was strange. I had not seen anyone enter it whilst being here, nor really go in this direction. Why would they leave a door unlocked? The other doors I had come across were locked unless they led to the toilets or some other part of this event. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, but all eyes were at the front.

Quickly, I slipped through after peeping inside and saw from my perspective that noone was there. Before me lay a room covered in snow and ice. I gently shut the door behind me and walk-in.

An Encounter in the Abyss: Tartaglia/Ajax X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now