Chapter 25: The History of the Fatui

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Author Note: I have talked a bit about the Cryo Archon in this chapter, most information I have found from Wikipedia and some I have had to add in. I have tried to link it to Genshin as much as I can and with what I know  at the time of writing this chapter (02/05/2022) :)

***Y/N POV***

Our next training sessions was for us to go to Camp Chameleon. Instead of thinking about what type of training would occur here I was just trying to walk/cope with the hang over I had gained from the night before with our new friends and Ajax.

"Ughhh...." I groaned shivering in the cold.

Ajax laughed and put his arm around my shoulder leaning on me "Did Y/N drink a bit too much last night?"

I stumbled unable to handle the extra weight "I only had one glass... Life's so not fair".

Katie grinned "Yeah but that one glass was pure Fire-Water. It's pretty strong stuff, you are a bit of a light weight aren't you Y/N".

"Don't even mention alcohol to me... I don't want to think about it" I say as I throw up a little in my mouth.

"Aww don't worry my sweet little Y/N, I promise to always take care of you, even when your drunk or hungover" Ajax teases me.

"Aww don't worry my sweet little Y/N, I promise to always take care of you, even when your drunk or hungover" Ajax teases me

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I looked away; my brain was too foggy to come up with a witty response.

"So cute", Jade grinned.

"Ajax and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...." Katie started to sing, but before she could finish the rest of the song, I cut her off.

"Shut it. I can't cope with this right now," I replied light-heartedly, meaning no offence to her.

Everyone laughed. They all continued to tease me for the rest of our walk until we got to the camp. Ajax, of course, played the part, even offering to carry me bridal style because I was suffering from a hangover. My tsundere side showed, and I immediately refused because I could not handle the embarrassment. But secretly, I wanted it.

When we got to camp, we found out that the next few days would all be about learning and understanding the ratio and how they worked. Basically a classroom exercise.

On the first day, we learnt about how the Fatui operates:

The different roles available and all the different branches within the Fatui. We learnt that there are currently 10 Fatui Harbingers. Each one owns their own branch of operations within the Fatui and reports directly up to the Tsaritsa. One could call them Executive officers and the Tsaritsa's lieutenants.

Then we went on to learn all their Alias: (In no particular order)

The Jester
The Rooster
The Balladeer
The Fair Lady
The Captain
The Professor
The Puppet
The servant
And a few more

We learnt that the Jester was the first member of the Fatui and helped to build it. He was very respected in Snezhnaya. We were told if we worked hard, then it would be possible to work our way up the ranks. I also couldn't help noting the high the rank, the higher the pay

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